Protonation of two adjacent tyrosine residues influences the reduction of cytochrome c by diphenylacetaldehyde: a possible mechanism to select the reducer agent of heme iron
Tatiana A Rinaldi, Tatiana A Rinaldi, Tatiana A Rinaldi, Tatiana A Rinaldi, Ivarne L.S Tersariol, Ivarne L.S Tersariol, Ivarne L.S Tersariol, Ivarne L.S Tersariol, Fabio H Dyszy, Fabio H Dyszy, Fabio H Dyszy, Fabio H Dyszy, Fernanda M Prado, Fernanda M Prado, Fernanda M Prado, Fernanda M Prado, Otaciro R Nascimento, Otaciro R Nascimento, Otaciro R Nascimento, Otaciro R Nascimento, Paolo Di Mascio, Paolo Di Mascio, Paolo Di Mascio, Paolo Di Mascio, Iseli L Nantes, Iseli L Nantes, Iseli L Nantes, Iseli L Nantes
Free Radical Biology and Medicine, March 2004, Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2003.12.002