What is it about?

This work proposes the novel overcoated fiber (PDMS/DVB/PDMS) as a greener strategy for analysis by direct immersion solid-phase microextraction in vegetables The robustness and endurance of this new coating were investigated by direct immersion extractions in raw blended vegetables without any further sample preparation steps The PDMS/DVB/PDMS coating exhibited improvements in terms of extraction capability and in the cleanability of the coating surface

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Why is it important?

To date, DI-SPME has not yet been extensively explored in food analysis. SPME has yet to realize its full potential due to the complexity of the studied matrices, which have in the past limited SPME methodology in this field to mostly headspace approaches. Indeed, for analysis of complex matrices, SPME is generally preceded by an extraction step and suitable reconstruction of the extract in an aqueous medium. This work demonstrate the superior performance of the novel overcoated fiber for analysis by direct immersion in vegetables. This work demonstrate that the SPME-OC can be used for analysis of pesticide


The outcomes of this work open new prospects toward greener analytical approaches in which DI-SPME is utilized for direct investigations in complex matrices without sample dilution or with minimal sample preparation. Additional changes in the PDMS layer and coating may result in further development of the SPME technique SPME-OC fiber is now commercially available at Sigma-Aldrich

Dr Attilio Naccarato
Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Italian National Research Council (CNR-IIA)

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Matrix compatible solid phase microextraction coating, a greener approach to sample preparation in vegetable matrices, Food Chemistry, September 2016, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.03.036.
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