A two-locus DNA sequence database for typing plant and human pathogens within the Fusarium oxysporum species complex
Kerry O’Donnell, Cécile Gueidan, Stacy Sink, Peter R. Johnston, Pedro W. Crous, Anthony Glenn, Ron Riley, Nicholas C. Zitomer, Patrick Colyer, Cees Waalwijk, Theo van der Lee, Antonio Moretti, Seogchan Kang, Hye-Seon Kim, David M. Geiser, Jean H. Juba, Robert P. Baayen, Matthew G. Cromey, Sean Bithell, Deanna A. Sutton, Kerstin Skovgaard, Randy Ploetz, H. Corby Kistler, Monica Elliott, Mike Davis, Brice A.J. Sarver
Fungal Genetics and Biology, December 2009, Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.fgb.2009.08.006