What is it about?
Ferroresonance is a mysterious disturbance that takes place capriciously, causing damages to electrical equipment and persons. It generally occurs during switching actions, due to capacitance in series with transformer magnetizing inductance, leading to high over-voltages which in turn cause failures in transformers, cables, and arresters. Therefore, during the last decades, a large number of papers have been dedicated to its study, but it remains hazardous and unpredictable.
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Why is it important?
In this paper, the root cause analysis (RCA), which is a method of discovering the root causes of this disturbance, based on the fault tree analysis (FTA), is used to identify the main causes of ferroresonance, from which the problem was originated. This is an investigative process leading to the deep root of the disturbance. Once the objective is attained, conventional mitigation methods are used to avoid it.
The quantitative analysis of the developed model shows a significant attenuation of this phenomenon, then, protective devices are installed as first barriers.
Pr Hamid Bentarzi
Universite M'Hamed Bougara Boumerdes
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Ferroresonance Study Using False Trip Root Cause Analysis, Energy Procedia, April 2019, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2019.04.032.
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