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Why is it important?
Freshwater ecosystems are biodiversity hotspots [1]. These current data highlight the insect and spider diversity of the southernmost inland wetlands sites of the Italian Apennines;. he upland bogs and other wetlands of the Aspromonte National Park could be recognized by governmental and conservation agencies as specific habitats for distinctive species not found elsewhere; For some species detected in our study, this was the first report of their occurrence in not only this study area, but also Italy as a whole. Such an awareness of these species in wetland areas could enable assessment of their future risk following the environmental decline of such habitats;
This dataset provides a first insight into the insects and spiders of freshwater and wetland sites in the Calabrian Apennines mountain massif located in southern Calabria, and it can serve as a model of a Mediterranean insular freshwater ecosystem. In addition to providing specific information on the distribution of the species identified in the different habitats investigated, this species dataset provides information on the freshwater community models necessary to create a detailed picture that is fundamental to understanding the effects of climate change. The information on taxonomic units represents data that could easily be repurposed, both through the addition of new data on regional biodiversity and by adding to the completeness of local reference databases
Dr. Carmelo Peter Bonsignore
Universita degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Insect and spider biodiversity: A dataset of mountainous wetland sites in Aspromonte National Park (Calabria, southern Italy), Data in Brief, June 2024, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2024.110435.
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