What is it about?
Here we report on the DFT study of two uranyl–salen receptors, which differ for the presence of two tert-butyl groups on the salen moiety, that have shown excellent enantioselective discrimination toward selected a-amino acid derivatives. Moreover, to clarify the high enantioselectivity values achieved by these uranyl–salen receptors, we combined titration and DOSY NMR data with DFT calculations on these complexes.
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Why is it important?
Our results suggest that the counterion of the amino acid plays a crucial role in the enantioselective recognition: we found that a host–guest system with a high density of atoms, due to the close proximity of the sterically encumbered n-Bu4N+ cation to the uranyl-aminoacid complex, is essential for an efficient enantiodiscrimination
DFT calculations suggest that a crucial role for the enantiodiscrimination can be ascribed to the allocation and stabilization of the TBA cation whose contribute is mainly due to short range interactions (SRI) and estimated as a sort of density of bond-order
Dr Giuseppe Trusso Sfrazzetto
University of Catania
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: A DFT study on the recognition of α-amino acid derivatives by chiral uranyl–salen, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, September 2015, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.comptc.2015.06.007.
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