What is it about?
Nutrient availability is essential for a host of biotechnological applications. This report shows how halloysite clay nanotubes (HNT) can carry bacterial nutrients, and release them in a sustained and sustainable manner to support spore germination and bacterial growth.
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Why is it important?
Our work shows how a sustainably-sourced carrier can provide microbes with constant nutrient levels and help support biological activity. This system can enhance the performance of biotechnological systems under various conditions and for numerous applications.
Ensuring consistent nutrient availability is essential to the success of microbe-based systems. This aspect is often overlooked and the performance of carriers with respect to nutrient retention or protection is often understudied.
Dr. Mohammad Fahimizadeh
Guangdong University of Technology
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Sustained-release of nutrients by yeast extract-loaded halloysite nanotubes supports bacterial growth, Applied Clay Science, August 2023, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.clay.2023.106979.
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