What is it about?

Highlights •Sorghum (Sugargraze™) biomass was partitioned into leaf, sheath, and stem sections. •Biomass carbonisation yielded uniquely structured carbon from different sections. •Carbon properties are related to biomass features e.g., lignocellulosic composition. •Potential for tunable carbon features through controlled biomass selection.

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Why is it important?

Agricultural by-products offer attractive renewable feedstock options for the production of carbon to be used as electrode materials for energy storage applications. Developing insights into the carbonisation behaviour of these alternative feedstocks will enable us to tune the materials and processing conditions effectively.


This research contributes to developing a more sophisticated and comprehensive understanding of how the subtle structural and compositional variations present in different plant sections of sorghum biomass can influence the properties of carbonised materials, hopefully aiding the future potential for enhanced tunability of sustainable biomass-derived carbon products.

Dr Pratheep K Annamalai
University of Queensland

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Lignocellulosic plant cell wall variation influences the structure and properties of hard carbon derived from sorghum biomass, Carbon Trends, April 2022, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.cartre.2022.100168.
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