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Emergency County Hospital Targu Jiu & UCB University, City Targu Jiu, Romania, E-mail: aurelianu2007@yahoo.com ABSTRACT The impact of living mater with unionized radiations is a theme of frequent researches for treatments in complementary medicine. Aim In presenting work were made the measurements of bio-energetic field applied to experimental fluids and we have given the explanations of the bio-energetic effect by quantum theory. Method The technology of measurement was based on electro-mechanic principle, using a Laboratory pH Meter WPA-CD 7400, converting mV in units of intensity of bio-magnetic fields, mathematically calculated as fento Tesla (fT). As a control method have been used the laboratory paper of pH which changes color to a increase or decrease of 0.30 to 0.50 pH value, by emersion in experimental solutions. Results In bases of quantum theory (E= υ h) was calculated the intensity of levels bio-energy, in mean value of 0.04 meV, which correspond to 10² f T of bio-magnetic field, the frequency of bio-magnetic wave, in value of 0.9*10¹² Hz, the bio-energetic wavelength=2.5* 10¯³ mm and corpuscular mass of bio-magnetic waves in value of ~ 2*10¯³² Kg or 1/10 from electron mass,( M) when "m"=2/Ec², in conformity with the parameter of mathematical counting or to prolong span of life cells. Conclusions: Bio-energetic fluids can be used in technology of preparation of drugs, from homeopath medicine and in laboratory medicine by the changes of pH in liquid medium with cultivated stem cells for to prolong the span life of cells, in view of cell-stem transplantation in chronic diseases. Keywords: velocity of light, frequency of light, wavelength of light, Planck constant, Oester, Tesla, electron mass.

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Why is it important?

The human body emits low levels light, heat, and acoustical energy, these wavelengths of radiations having the electrical and magnetic properties and may also to be transformed in kinds of energy that cannot be easily defined by classical physical sciences and chemistry. All of these emissions are part of the human energy field, also called the biologic field or human bio-energy. In last time most researches has focused on electromagnetic aspects of the bio-magnetic field, [1]. 2. Methods and techniques used in measured magnetic field Various devices have been developed that claim to assess aspects of the bio-field, most of them electromagnetic in nature. That this area of research is in its infancy, with inadequate funding, no ongoing government sponsorship, and developed by a small number of people working largely in isolation, must be pointed out. Thus, not surprisingly, several issues remain to be resolved. 2.1 High-Voltage Electrophotography: the Gas Discharge Visualization Camera The gas discharge visualization (GDV) camera, developed by the Dr. Korotkov Co., St. Petersburg, Russia, is perhaps the best-known form of contemporary high-voltage electro-photography based on the Kirlian effect, [2]. The bio-photon emission from humans in studies on consciousness has also been investigated. In eight subjects investigated the influence of intention to change one’s emission on the measured bio-photon emission and found that the mean photon count decreased, but not all subjects were able to achieve this change. Measurements made from the hands and foreheads of five meditators showed that bio-photon emission decreased after meditation, [3]. Another study of transcendental meditation (TM) subjects in particular showed that regular meditators have the lowest bio-photon counts and that bio-photon emissions of meditators and controls did not very much in anatomic distribution, except for the throat and the palm of the hand, [4]. Because free-radical reactions are thought to be responsible, at least in part, for the biophoton emission, the results also suggest that TM helps reduce free-radical reactions in the body, [5,]. Using a quantum-biophysical model of entropy and information flows and supported by some clinical data was advance the concept that the GDV technique provides indirect information about the level of free energy resources (excited electronic states) available in protein complexes in the body. Additionally, Korotkov together with colleagues have published several experimental research papers using the GDV technique in English (and others in Russian) on a wide range of applications to humans, including direct vision (visual perception by means other than through the eyes) on altered states of consciousness, [6]. 2.2 Thermography The human body is a strong emitter of infrared radiation, on the order of 100 watts, and visualization of this emission is used in medical imaging. Thermography uses an infrared camera and an associated software system to visualize the pattern of infrared emission, which we cannot see directly but experience as heat. This method can detect changes as small as 0.01° C in the human body. Thermography can detect acute and chronic inflammatory conditions. This method is documented by many research studies to show toxic accumulations, tumors, and other diseases, often much earlier than x-ray mammography or other imaging procedures, for example, in the case of breast thermography. The energy gained of molecules, on this way, brings increased vibration or rotation of the atoms, or raises its electrons to higher energy levels. The particular frequency of radiation which received molecules depends of the changes in vibration or rotation or electronic states that are permitted to a molecule of that structure. The infrared spectrum of organic compound gives us information about structure. A molecule is constantly vibrating; its bounds stretch (and contract) and bend with respect to each other change in vibration of molecules are caused by absorption in infrared light: infrared light lying beyond the red end and visible spectrum (lower frequency, longer wavelength, less energy).[7]. Electromagnetic radiation is energy and hence when a molecule absorbs radiation, it gains energy. Just how much energy is gain depends upon frequency of radiation: the higher the frequency (the shorter of wavelength), the greater the gain in energy which can be calculated by expression: ÐE =h* υ, when ÐE is the gain in energy in ergs and "h" is Planck constant, [8]. The energy gained of molecules, on this way, brings increased vibration or rotation of the atoms, or raises its electrons to higher energy levels. The particular frequency of radiation which received molecules depends of the changes in vibration or rotation or electronic states that are permitted to a molecule of that structure, [9]. The infrared spectrum of organic compound gives us information about structure. A molecule is constantly vibrating; its bounds stretch (and contract) and bend with respect to each other change in vibration of molecules are caused by absorption in infrared light: infrared light lying beyond the red end and visible spectrum (lower frequency, longer wavelength, less energy,[10


The increase of energy to molecular system of water, with the storage in her memory, is because of bio-magnetic field, accumulated in reverse spin from length HO. The network of molecular wires and different photo-reactive molecular triggers in dynamic movement of type cis-trans conformation, composes dynamic memory of fluids. The molecular liquids, bio-energetic controlled, should be used for oriental diffusion and transportations of various therapeutic agent to the tissues of living organism under bio-magnetic field.

Professor Aurelian Udristioiu
Hematology and Oncology Specialists LLC

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This page is a summary of: Identification of Infrared Spectrum from Human Bio-Energetic Campus, Biophysical Journal, January 2010, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2009.12.3219.
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