Prevalence of Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa in Spain: A Population-Based Study Using the 3-Source Capture–Recapture Method. Evidence of a Need for Improvement in Care
A. Hernandez-Martín, B. Aranegui, M.J. Escámez, R. de Lucas, A. Vicente, E. Rodríguez-Díaz, J. Bernabeu-Wittel, R. Gonzalez-Hermosa, V. García-Patos, M. Ginarte, J.M. Mascaró Jr., C. Corredera, E. Baselga, J.L. Santiago, A. Chaves, C. Román, M. Évole, A. Martin-Santiago, A. Torrelo, M. del Río, M. Feito, M.A. Gonzalez-Enseñat, G. Romero, E. Morcillo-Makow, I. Abaitua, I. García-Doval
Actas Dermo-Sifiliográficas, December 2013, Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/