What is it about?

This paper makes a case to systematically collect data on cyclist numbers and cyclist traffic flows

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Why is it important?

Without knowing how many people cycle or how far or how long they cycle it is impossible to determine the accident risk (i.e. number of accidents per kilometer) and to compare it to other vehicles such as cars.


Knowing the distance cycled is absolutely fundamental to comparing accident risks with other travel modes and to be able to assess the risk reductions from actions or infrastructure put in place to make traffic safer for cyclists.

Professor Luc Int Panis
Flemish Institute for Technological Research

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Exposure measurement in bicycle safety analysis: A review of the literature, Accident Analysis & Prevention, November 2015, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2015.08.007.
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