Performance of the CAPRICE RICH detector during the 1994 balloon flight
G Barbiellini, G Basini, R Bellotti, M Bocciolini, M Boezio, F Massimo Brancaccio, U Bravar, F Cafagna, M Candusso, P Carlson, M Casolino, M Castellano, G De Cataldo, M Circella, A Codino, N Finetti, T Francke, N Giglietto, R.L Golden, C Grimani, M Hof, B Marangelli, C.N De Marzo, J.W Mitchell, A Morselli, M.P De Pascale, P Papini, A Perego, S Piccardi, P Picozza, M Ricci, P Schiavon, M Simon, R Sparvoli, P Spillantini, P Spinelli, S.A Stephens, S.J Stochaj, R.E Streitmatter, M Suffert, A Vacchi, N Weber, N Zampa
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, March 1996, Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/0168-9002(95)01152-8