What is it about?

A more sustainable way to formulate water-in-oil microemulsions is presented by using bio-based oil solvents. Additionally, the templated synthesis of chitosan nanoparticles is proposed as a suitable application as an example of tailored nanomaterials using biopolymers in these dispersions. Microemulsion properties were compared using different combinations of organic solvents in the continuous oil phase. For instance, bio-based alkyl esters can replace petroleum-based alkanes, especially in combinations with alkanols. Moreover, the effect of these solvents was tested for the synthesis of chitosan nanoparticles using different cross-linking conditions, in this case with citric acid besides glutaraldehyde.

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Why is it important?

New approaches to replace petroleum-based solvents should be suitable for a more environmental-friendly chemistry. This research is in accordance with the Green Chemistry principles concerning less hazardous synthesis and more benign solvents, which also involve the use of renewable feedstocks


The proposed bio-based solvents can be obtained from biomass sources and present less toxicity and environmental concerns than the traditional petroleum-based solvents. Synthesis of biopolymer nanoparticles in water-in-oil microemulsions can also afford milder cross-linking conditions.

Rebeca Fortes Martín
Universitat Potsdam

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Water-in-oil microemulsions with greener oil solvents as sustainable nanoreactors of biopolymer nanoparticles, Colloids and Surfaces A Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, November 2024, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2024.134817.
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