What is it about?
A study of well clustering schemes of a multi-well pad. Full space of possible well groupings at the pad is considered 2^(N-1), where N - number of wells. Case studies are present. Unequal well groupings are integrated into agile project management methodologies.
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Why is it important?
Economic performance of well pad drilling projects can be improved by several tens of percent by selecting the most suitable clustering schema.
The vast space of unequal well clustering options at a pad has long time been overlooked in favor of simplified clustering with constant number of wells. Analysis of all available well groupings with unequal number of wells in clusters shows that economic performance of pad drilling projects can be improved by considering individual well parameters within every clustering possibility. Moreover, a dynamic approach based on the unequal well groupings can be formulated, which would allow for well pad drilling to be monitored and corrected. Such novel methodology of well pad development is based on a digital twin and a combined simulation of a drilling and a well pad operation processes. High performance computations enable substantiated well pad design corrections during drilling project monitoring. These design corrections are means to react to changes in techno-economic environment and their result is significant increase in the NPV. Presented adaptive well pad development tactic can provide or prolongate economic validity of hard to recover reserves development, or be an advantage during the energy transition period.
Aleksandr Abramov
Heriot-Watt University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Agile methodology of well pad development, Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, September 2020, Springer Science + Business Media,
DOI: 10.1007/s13202-020-00993-3.
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