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Efficient hand-off algorithm enhances the capacity and quality of service (QoS) of cellular systems. Hand-off algorithm is used in wireless cellular systems to decide when and to which base station (BS) will receive the handoff call, without any service interruption. High altitude platforms (HAPs) is considered as a complementary BS to mobiles in an obstacle position. HAPs can supply services to uncovered areas of terrestrial systems, thus with the goodness of HAPs total capacity in a service-limited area will be improved. Recently, artificial neural network (ANN) has been utilized to improve hand-off algorithms due to its ability to handle large data. As a revolutionary wireless system, ANN helps in taking the hand-off decision based on receive signal strength, speed, traffic intensity, and directivity. Radial based function network is used for making a hand-off decision to the chosen neighbor BS. This paper presents novel approaches of combining HAPs and terrestrial system in a particular coverage area for the design of high performance hand-off algorithm. It is found that hand-off rate and blocking rate are greatly improved using ANN for handoff decision.

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This page is a summary of: An Intelligent Hand-off Algorithm to Enhance Quality of Service in High Altitude Platforms Using Neural Network, Wireless Personal Communications, January 2015, Springer Science + Business Media,
DOI: 10.1007/s11277-015-2333-2.
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