GETEMME—a mission to explore the Martian satellites and the fundamentals of solar system physics
Jürgen Oberst, Valéry Lainey, Christophe Le Poncin-Lafitte, Veronique Dehant, Pascal Rosenblatt, Stephan Ulamec, Jens Biele, Jörn Spurmann, Ralph Kahle, Volker Klein, Ulrich Schreiber, Anja Schlicht, Nicolas Rambaux, Philippe Laurent, Benoît Noyelles, Bernard Foulon, Alexander Zakharov, Leonid Gurvits, Denis Uchaev, Scott Murchie, Cheryl Reed, Slava G. Turyshev, Jesus Gil, Mariella Graziano, Konrad Willner, Kai Wickhusen, Andreas Pasewaldt, Marita Wählisch, Harald Hoffmann
Experimental Astronomy, September 2012, Springer Science + Business Media
DOI: 10.1007/s10686-012-9307-0