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In this study, PZT-PCN ceramic was made via sol–gel seeding method and effects of conventional sintering (CS) as well as two-step sintering (TSS) were investigated on microstructure, phase formation, density, dielectric and piezoelectric properties. First, high quality powder was achieved by seeding method in which the mixture of Co3O4 and Nb2O5 powder was added to the prepared PZT sol to form PZT-PCN gel. After drying and calcination, pyrochlore free PZT-PCN powder was synthesized. Second, CS and TSS were applied to achieve dense ceramic. The optimum temperature used for 2 h of conventional sintering was obtained at 1150 °C; finally, undesired ZrO2 phase formed in CS procedure was removed successfully with TSS procedure and dielectric and piezoelectric properties were improved compared to the CS procedure. The best electrical properties obtained for the sample sintered by TSS in the initial temperature of T1 = 1200 °C and secondary temperature of T2 = 1000 °C for 12 h.

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This page is a summary of: Conventional and two step sintering of PZT-PCN ceramics, Applied Physics A, January 2018, Springer Science + Business Media,
DOI: 10.1007/s00339-018-1571-z.
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