The lack of retropatellar resurfacing at index surgery is significantly associated with failure in patients following patellofemoral inlay arthroplasty: a multi-center study of more than 260 patients
Andreas B. Imhoff, Eva Bartsch, Christoph Becher, Peter Behrens, Gerrit Bode, Matthias Cotic, Theresa Diermeier, Holger Falk, Matthias J. Feucht, Ulrich Haupt, Stefan Hinterwimmer, Johannes Holz, René Hutter, René Kaiser, Tobias Knoblauch, Wolfgang Nebelung, Philipp Niemeyer, Turlough O’Donnel, Geert Pagenstert, Thilo Patzer, Tim Rose, Marco C. Rupp, Thomas Tischer, Arne J. Venjakob, Stephan Vogt, Jonas Pogorzelski
Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy, April 2021, Springer Science + Business Media
DOI: 10.1007/s00167-021-06544-5