What is it about?

The method is as follows: First, review the historical process that alumni economic theory and practice have gone through, and then, through cognitive computing and systematic analysis of alumni economic theory and practice, provide more specific examples for further development and expansion of its application scenarios, and finally, through the establishment of the China Alumni Economic Theory and Practice Research Institute, especially in combination with the characteristics of the times, it highlights the basic topics of cognitive computing and systematic analysis of alumni economic theory and practice. The results are beneficial for the economic practice of domestic and foreign alumni to further rise to the height of theoretical research, and to achieve sufficient interpersonal communication and high interpersonal collaboration.

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Why is it important?

Its significance lies in: Chinese and foreign alumni economic talents, with the help of cognitive computing and systematic analysis of alumni economic theory and practice, not only better participate in the construction of the national demonstration zone, but also an international and domestic demonstration base for the practice of alumni economic theory in the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone, and extended to at home and abroad. Taking advantage of the location advantage, the International Research Institute of Alumni Economics was established.


It aims to inspire domestic and foreign alumni to participate in the construction of the Second Centenary National Demonstration Zone of the Communist Party of China by reviewing the cognitive computing and system analysis of the latest progress in the establishment of alumni economic theory and its practice.

Researcher Xiaohui Zou

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Cognitive Computing and Systems Analysis of Alumni Economic Theory and Practice, January 2023, Springer Science + Business Media,
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-99-2789-0_16.
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