What is it about?

The method is as follows: Firstly, based on the application perspective, the artificial intelligence technology is divided into three categories: motion, perception and semantics. Furthermore, from the perspective of technical framework, it is based on semantic concepts and cosmic energy material system, human self-perception and functional system, computer artificial intelligence system, energy material logic function system, human language grammar system, computer artificial intelligence function logic software programming system, etc. the internal logic of the five aspects advances the principles of semantic intelligence systems, engineering implementation techniques, and systematic research of product systems. The result is: from its research background, it highlights the logic relationship between Chinese classical religion, philosophy and culture, people and people, consciousness and the nature of the universe, and assists with the modern scientific and technological methods to propose a new framework of semantic intelligence technology content and ideas.

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Why is it important?

The significance is that it can construct a system intelligence theory and principle that integrates the universe’s natural, material world, philosophy, science, graphic and symbolic systems, human consciousness and semantic virtual world, and realizes the breakthrough of semantic intelligence research.


Through semantic analysis of the words “sweet” and “good”, this thesis aims to understand the cognitive methods and limitations of human beings, trying to reveal the research background, technical framework and resonance principle of semantic intelligence.

Researcher Xiaohui Zou

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Background of Semantic Intelligence Research and the Principle of Technical Framework, January 2019, Springer Science + Business Media,
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-7986-4_8.
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