What is it about?

The method steps are as follows: 1. Apply model A to understand its old terms, such as: Graphic, Natural and Symbolic Language; 2. Apply model B, to understand new terms, such as: the Basic Graphic Analysis Method and the Elementary Periodic Table as the set of basic graphics; 3. Apply model C, to understand the combination or expressions through following steps: step 1, decompose the graphic, natural and symbolic language contained in the geometric language in response to the actual problems on different cognitive levels of geometric language; step 2, analyze the visibility of graphic objects; step 3, deductive construct of graphic features. The result is to understand the Basic Graphic Analysis Method based on the recognition, analysis and application of basic graphs.

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Why is it important?

The significance lies in the usage of the Elementary Periodic Table in the field as the set of basic graphics, to deconstruct any geometry problem and simplify the process, so that the geometry problem understanding could be more standardized, concise and traceable. Both human’s cognitive structure and machine’s information processing levels by the geometry problem could be therefore improved.


This paper aims to apply the understanding model to understand the Basic Graphic Analysis Method.

Researcher Xiaohui Zou

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: How to Understand the Basic Graphic Analysis Method, January 2019, Springer Science + Business Media,
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-7983-3_11.
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