What is it about?

Because creating an accurate land use land cover map is complicated and time-consuming, the launch of Google Earth Engine (GEE) and the availability of massive volumes of Geosciences and Remote Sensing data allows for spatiotemporal monitoring of the changing earth's surface.

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Why is it important?

Measuring the changes in land use and cover over the last three decades is the main objective of this study. In doing so, the author wants to assess the efficacy of the Google Earth Engine platform's machine learning model for urban expansion. The study also aims to project the land cover and land use using a cellular automata model based on logistic regression. In the district and throughout North Bengal, the study area is one of the most important urban hubs.


The goal of this project is to employ machine learning (random forest) on the Google Earth Engine framework with earth observation data to assess land use land cover change in the Raiganj municipality.

Prolay Mondal
Raiganj University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Urban Expansion Monitoring Using Machine Learning Algorithms on Google Earth Engine Platform and Cellular Automata Model: A Case Study of Raiganj Municipality, West Bengal, India, January 2023, Springer Science + Business Media,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-21587-2_3.
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