What is it about?

This chapter aims at teaching basic occupational psychology principles in the context of stress and resilience at the workplace, as well as the ability to integrate stress management into the Excellence Model in an innovative and value-adding manner. Common and emerging psycho-social risk factors at work will be highlighted as well as the transformative role of modern organisations in developing resource-rich working conditions to promote resilience and health among employees, teams and supervisors. Practical categorisations of stress factors and resources that shape personnel’s experiences will be outlined to summarise the state-of-the-art-knowledge of work-, organisational, and personnel psychology. For integration purposes, a scientific systemic model for the assessment of organisational behaviour and intangibles at work and for the intervention for the quality of human resources called the Human System Audit (HSA), will be introduced to align the topics of stress management and excellence. Core aspects of the HSA are based on the interaction of the organisational environment and structure with intangible psychological and psycho-social processes of individuals, groups, and of the organisational system that are taking place in an organisation and are impacting the quality of the human resources. Finally, conceptual innovative alignments between the psychological human resource perspective of the HSA and the direction and execution deployment factors of the new EFQM model will be exemplified.

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Why is it important?

industrial and organisational psychology principles are integrated into the global topics of sustainability and the promotion of decent work for all. It will be shown that an excellence management approach based on the blueprint Agenda 2030 and on the sustainable development goals of the United Nations is synergetic with the objective of sustainable, comprehensive quality and occupational health.


This chapter bridges the gap between conventional total management approaches based on excellence and organisational psychology perspectives for occupational stress and health.

Professor Rita Berger
Universitat de Barcelona

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Stress Management and Resilience Building, November 2021, Springer Science + Business Media,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-85120-0_2.
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