What is it about?

Novel coronavirus 19 (COVID-19) had made the lives of humans in dilemma since its outburst from Wuhan, China on December 31, 2019, and is declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). Its spread had been very rapid among the people which is a real task for the authorities to identify the persons infected with viruses and isolate them to prevent virus transmission. Artificial Intelligence (AI) incorporated techniques will aid physicians in the early detection of COVID-19. This work is about how we can integrate AI in COVID-19 and can improve the diagnostic accuracy.

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Why is it important?

To improve the diagnostic accuracy


I am very happy to publish work

Dr Lakshmi Narasimha Gunturu
Annamacharya College of Pharmacy

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Integration of Deep Learning Machine Models with Conventional Diagnostic Tools in Medical Image Analysis for Detection and Diagnosis of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), January 2021, Springer Science + Business Media,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-67716-9_4.
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