What is it about?

We're imagining a project of space advertising, creating an artificial constellation. Satellite formation flying with light sources form a dot image in the sky seen from the ground. We're focusing on the complex natural motion unique to multiple satellites.

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Why is it important?

Space advertising is an entertainment where satellites form a light source to draw characters or graphics as pixel art in the sky. For example, it can be aligned with events like the Olympics, enabling the sharing of pixel art and the emotions embedded in it worldwide. To move more people, it's important to form accurate shapes and maintain stability while visible. Interestingly, we’ve found that there are combinations of orbital elements that stabilize any shape of pixel art, even without control during visibility.


The core of this research is pure curiosity and imagination. We hope for a world where space is fun and feels closer. We look forward to seeing what kind of constellations the children of the future will create.

Kenta Nakajima
Kyushu University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: How are multiple satellites seen from the ground? Relative apparent motion and formation stabilization, Astrodynamics, February 2024, Tsinghua University Press,
DOI: 10.1007/s42064-023-0180-6.
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