What is it about?

Zika virus has evolved in decades to be a cause of concern for the human race. There is a dire need to find a suitable therapeutic to combat the virus. There has been extensive research work done by scientists using newer research models to comprehend its pathogenicity and effect on various tissues. The review compiles the research work on tissue tropism of the virus with a prelude on in vitro/in-vivo research models and on the role of Zika viral components that promote its ability to survive in the mammalian host.

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Why is it important?

Zika virus exhibits teratogenicity and can cause extensive damage to the neural development of the fetus of the infected mother. It is also known to cause Guillain Barre syndrome in adults. There is therefore a need to critically examine the pattern of infection in order to contain it and design therapies.


I must applaud the extensive research that has been carried out with respect to the virus in a short span of 3-4 years. The wealth of literature on the virus is immense. I am hopeful that our article contributes to the development of a therapeutic against the virus. We, humans have combated several viruses with success and I believe that due to the coordinated efforts of all scientists, a cure will be found and Zika virus will cease to terrify mankind.

Dr Archana Upadhya
Humera Khan College of Pharmacy

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Zika virus: Molecular responses and tissue tropism in the mammalian host, Reviews in Medical Virology, May 2019, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1002/rmv.2050.
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