What is it about?

Correlation between the test for carry-over and the test for treatment based on first period values only strongly biases the significance test for treatment if based on the test for carry-over, as was shown by Peter Freeman in 1989. This is explained and illustrated in this viewpoint piece.

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Why is it important?

It shows that preliminary testing to guide choice of analysis can be dangerous and that the properties as a whole of such procedures should be analysed.


I was a reviewer of Peter Freeman's article for Statistics in Medicine and had independently come to the conclusion that there was a problem with the procedure. Peter had analysed the issue in depth and it was a very simple matter to recommend publication.

Professor Stephen J Senn
Consultant Statistician

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Viewpoint : Do not resurrect the two‐stage procedure, Pharmaceutical Statistics, July 2022, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1002/pst.2224.
You can read the full text:




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