Use of intravenous iron and risk of anaphylaxis: A multinational observational post‐authorisation safety study in Europe
Joan Fortuny, Gero von Gersdorff, Régis Lassalle, Marie Linder, Jetty Overbeek, Jonas Reinold, Gunnar Toft, Antje Timmer, Jochen Dress, Patrick Blin, Cécile Droz‐Perroteau, Vera Ehrenstein, Carla Franzoni, Ron Herings, Bianca Kollhorst, Nicholas Moore, Ingvild Odsbu, Susana Perez‐Gutthann, Tania Schink, Katherine Rascher, Lawrence Rasouliyan, Kenneth J. Rothman, Nuria Saigi‐Morgui, Mathias Schaller, Elisabeth Smits, Michael Forstner, Jacques Bénichou, Andreas J. Bircher, Edeltraut Garbe, David S. Rampton, Lia Gutierrez
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, July 2021, Wiley
DOI: 10.1002/pds.5319