Haematopoietic prolyl hydroxylase-1 deficiency promotes M2 macrophage polarization and is both necessary and sufficient to protect against experimental colitis
HaematopoieticPhd1deficiency protects against colitis
Sophie Van Welden, Martine De Vos, Ben Wielockx, Simon J Tavernier, Melissa Dullaers, Sara Neyt, Benedicte Descamps, Lindsey Devisscher, Sarah Devriese, Lien Van den Bossche, Tom Holvoet, Ann Baeyens, Carmen Correale, Silvia D'Alessio, Christian Vanhove, Filip De Vos, Bruno Verhasselt, Georg Breier, Bart N Lambrecht, Sophie Janssens, Peter Carmeliet, Silvio Danese, Dirk Elewaut, Debby Laukens, Pieter Hindryckx
The Journal of Pathology, January 2017, Wiley
DOI: 10.1002/path.4861