The need for transformative changes in the use of Indigenous knowledge along with science for environmental decision‐making in the Arctic
Helen C. Wheeler, Finn Danielsen, Maryann Fidel, Vera Hausner, Tim Horstkotte, Noor Johnson, Olivia Lee, Nibedita Mukherjee, Amy Amos, Heather Ashthorn, Øystein Ballari, Carolina Behe, Kaitlin Breton‐Honeyman, Gunn‐Britt Retter, Victoria Buschman, Pâviârak Jakobsen, Frank Johnson, Bjarne Lyberth, Jennifer A. Parrott, Mikhail Pogodaev, Rodion Sulyandziga, Nikita Vronski
People and Nature, September 2020, Wiley
DOI: 10.1002/pan3.10131