Quantitative assessment of antioxidant properties of natural colorants and phytochemicals: carotenoids, flavonoids, phenols and indigoids. The role of β-carotene in antioxidant functions
Antioxidant properties of natural colorants and phytochemicals
Stefan Beutner, Britta Bloedorn, Susanne Frixel, Inés Hernández Blanco, Thomas Hoffmann, Hans-Dieter Martin, Bernhard Mayer, Peter Noack, Christoph Ruck, Marcus Schmidt, Ines Schülke, Stefan Sell, Hansgeorg Ernst, Sylke Haremza, Günther Seybold, Helmut Sies, Wilhelm Stahl, Robin Walsh
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, March 2001, Wiley
DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.849