What is it about?

The climate of all organizations has a large influence on leaders and their ability to be ethical and effective individuals. We explore how the climate of the Australian Football League's Essendon Football Club could have influenced their recent drug saga.

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Why is it important?

Leadership crises and unethical behavior does not just occur in big banks and governments, they also occur in smaller scale organizations. Australia's peak sport the Australian Football League (AFL) has seen a few ethical issues of late. Understanding the reasons these occurred, and how we can address them going forward will be of value to scholars as well as leaders, particularly sporting leaders.


I often see articles about the biggest issues in leadership. The Global Financial Crisis (GFC) seems to be scholars' personal favorite. However, the smaller scale meso-level leadership crises are just as important. In particular was my interest to explore the AFL Essendon Drug Saga from a leadership perspective, and to understand why a group of leaders, that millions of young Australians look up to, breached ethical and legal boundaries.

Joseph Crawford
University of Tasmania

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Understanding the Organizational Climate of Unethical Leadership in the Australian Football League, Journal of Leadership Studies, October 2017, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1002/jls.21525.
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