Association between thePNPLA3(rs738409 C>G) variant and hepatocellular carcinoma: Evidence from a meta-analysis of individual participant data
Eric Trépo, Pierre Nahon, Gianluca Bontempi, Luca Valenti, Edmondo Falleti, Hans-Dieter Nischalke, Samia Hamza, Stefano Ginanni Corradini, Maria Antonella Burza, Erwan Guyot, Benedetta Donati, Ulrich Spengler, Patrick Hillon, Pierluigi Toniutto, Jean Henrion, Denis Franchimont, Jacques Devière, Philippe Mathurin, Christophe Moreno, Stefano Romeo, Pierre Deltenre
Hepatology, April 2014, Wiley
DOI: 10.1002/hep.26767