What is it about?
To identify acceptable regions for possible solar farms, a decision analysis utilizing the Analysis Hierarchical Process (AHP) and Fuzzy AHP was performed. The AHP and F-AHP were employed to reduce subjectivity among the fifteen criteria. Sensitivity analysis was used to evaluate the new weights. Furthermore, the similarity study revealed that the components' weights and the differences in the employed techniques may explain 32 percent of the unequal regions between AHP and Fuzzy AHP. The research region's climatic potential and geographic position provide a broad acceptable area for solar farm development. These findings provide stakeholders with decision-making help for solar farm investments in the green economy.
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Why is it important?
The goal of this study was to see how well the AHP-based model performed when subjectivity was minimized using a Fuzzy logic-based model. In this decision-making scenario, the F-AHP model does not contribute enough accuracy when compared to the standard AHP, according to the findings.
Solar farms have proved its potential to create clean energy, as well as the economic and energy efficiency benefits that will flow to the region. Solar power plant units, on the other hand, will be expected to help with land resource management, infrastructure development, water resource conservation, and energy revenue generation, among other things, once they are put in Marrakech-Safi region-suitable places. We think that constructing solar farms will enable landowners to collect a predetermined amount of money from their underused, abandoned, or uncultivated land by legitimately sharing profits with them through share participation.
rida azmi
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Decision analysis related to solar farm investments based on analysis hierarchical process and fuzzy
for sustainable energy production, International Journal of Energy Research, May 2022, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1002/er.7943.
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