Additional cytogenetic abnormalities and variant t(9;22) at the diagnosis of childhood chronic myeloid leukemia: The experience of the International Registry for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Children and Adolescents
Cytogenetics of Childhood CML
Frédéric Millot, Christelle Dupraz, Joelle Guilhot, Meinolf Suttorp, Françoise Brizard, Thierry Leblanc, Adalet Meral Güneş, Petr Sedlacek, Evelyne De Bont, Chi Kong Li, Krzysztof Kalwak, Birgitte Lausen, Srdjana Culic, Michael Dworzak, Emilia Kaiserova, Barbara De Moerloose, Farah Roula, Andrea Biondi, André Baruchel, François Guilhot
Cancer, May 2017, Wiley
DOI: 10.1002/cncr.30767