Satellite detection, long‐range transport, and air quality impacts of volcanic sulfur dioxide from the 2014–2015 flood lava eruption at Bárðarbunga (Iceland)
Anja Schmidt, Susan Leadbetter, Nicolas Theys, Elisa Carboni, Claire S. Witham, John A. Stevenson, Cathryn E. Birch, Thorvaldur Thordarson, Steven Turnock, Sara Barsotti, Lin Delaney, Wuhu Feng, Roy G. Grainger, Matthew C. Hort, Ármann Höskuldsson, Iolanda Ialongo, Evgenia Ilyinskaya, Thorsteinn Jóhannsson, Patrick Kenny, Tamsin A. Mather, Nigel A. D. Richards, Janet Shepherd
Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, September 2015, American Geophysical Union (AGU)
DOI: 10.1002/2015jd023638