What is it about?

This article is a commentary on two important changes, currently underway, that have the potential to transform the practices of physicians, clinical teachers and health professions researchers. It scrutinizes a popular approach to medical education, called the ‘competency-based model’, and examines the promises and limitations of artificial intelligence.

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Why is it important?

Innovations are frequently described as being 'game changers'. A claim that an emergent new way of doing things is ‘transformative’ carries the risk of blinding practitioners to those aspects of their practices which should be seen as immutable and enduring. This commentary urges a blend of mindful curiosity and respectful caution when faced with developments that arise from a technological mindset. It is aligned with a traditional understanding of wise and prudent practice.


The authors hope that their commentary with trigger a reflection on the core characteristics of medical practice with the aim of identifying those that are worthy of praise and protection.

donald boudreau
McGill University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Transformations in medical education: A prudential perspective, Health Care Science, March 2024, Tsinghua University Press,
DOI: 10.1002/hcs2.86.
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