What is it about?

A facile and versatile method is proposed to fabricate unlimited array of thick liquid metal alloy (LMA) electrodes, suitable for flexible electronics and functional materials etc. Herein, in microfluidics, this brings the accumulative dielectrophoretic (DEP) deflection effect. 5000-LMA-electrode pairs showed 10x higher throughput in DEP separation, and the throughput can be further improved by nearly 100x.

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Why is it important?

Our research provides a significant leap forward in dielectrophoresis (DEP) particle separation throughput by addressing critical challenges in large-array 3D electrode fabrication.We believe this advancement will pave the way for many LMA scenarios, not only microfluidics reported here, but flexible electronics, and functional materials, etc


Liquid metal has very much surface tension and is not easy to be made at micro-scale. We propose to use capillarity effect to fabricate large-scale electrodes and demonstrate its great impact in one of the target application areas-microfluidics for cell separation. It has a lot of potentials in a wide range of applications.

Professor Wenhui Wang
Tsinghua University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Capillarity Enabled Large‐Array Liquid Metal Electrodes for Compact and High‐Throughput Dielectrophoretic Microfluidics, Advanced Materials, January 2024, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1002/adma.202310212.
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