All Stories

  1. Core-Periphery Model
  2. Organic Agriculture
  3. Editorial: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Socio-economic systems in the post-pandemic world
  4. Editorial: Social, technological and health innovation: Opportunities and limitations for social policy, health policy, and environmental policy
  5. Editorial: Citizen Science and Social Innovation: Mutual Relations, Barriers, Needs, and Development Factors
  6. The Sharing Economy in Europe
  7. The Sharing Economy in Europe: From Idea to Reality
  8. The Context of Public Policy on the Sharing Economy
  9. The State and Critical Assessment of the Sharing Economy in Europe
  10. Citizen Science and Social Innovation: Mutual Relations, Barriers, Needs, and Development Factors
  11. Social, Technological and Health Innovation
  12. Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Socio-Economic Systems in the Post-Pandemic World
  13. Demographic Analysis - Selected Concepts, Tools, and Applications
  14. Introductory Chapter: Demographic Analysis
  15. The Recent Past and Possible Futures of Citizen Science: Final Remarks
  16. Building Smart Healthy Inclusive Environments for All Ages with Citizens
  17. Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging
  18. The Silver Economy as a Constructive Response in Public Policy on Aging
  19. Area Agencies on Aging
  20. Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation in Aging
  21. Financial Gerontology
  22. Starzenie się populacji. Aktywizacja, koprodukcja i integracja społeczna osób starszych
  23. The COVID-19 Pandemic from the Perspective of Risk Theory (Pandemia COVID-19 z perspektywy teorii ryzyka)
  24. Malinowski, Bronisław
  25. Activities of Daily Living
  26. Editorial: Perspectives and Theories of Social Innovation for Ageing Population
  27. Welfare State
  28. Perspectives and Theories of Social Innovation for Ageing Population
  29. Organic Agriculture
  30. Area Agencies on Aging
  31. Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging
  32. Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation in Aging
  33. Welfare State
  34. Welfare State
  35. Trust in Food
  36. Innovation in Food and Agriculture
  37. New Economy, Food, and Agriculture
  38. Core-Periphery Model
  40. Financial Gerontology
  41. Organic Agriculture
  42. Labor Markets
  43. Polityka publiczna wobec starzenia się ludności. Przegląd pojęć i podejść teoretycznych
  44. Trust in Food
  45. Interpersonal social work skills for community practice
  46. Trust in Food
  47. Innovation in Food and Agriculture
  48. New Economy, Food, and Agriculture
  49. Welfare State
  50. Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
  51. Death and Dying, Theories of
  52. Labor Markets
  53. Malinowski, Bronisław
  54. Welfare State
  55. Work, Domestic Work, Emotional Labor
  56. Labor Markets
  57. Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
  58. Social and Solidarity Economy
  59. A moderate position in the debate on the possibility and moral utility of the ethical standards codification
  60. Economic Foundations for Creative Ageing Policy, Volume II
  61. Creative Aging, Drawing on the Arts to Enhance Healthy Aging
  62. Selected Contemporary Challenges Of Ageing Policy
  63. Bronislaw Malinowski
  64. Understanding Public Policy on Ageing
  65. Diversity of Ageing Policy Concepts
  66. Organizational Forms and Management for the Building of Creative Capital of Older People
  67. Sociological and Gerontological Perspectives on Ageing, Creativity, and the Third Age
  68. The Politics of Ageing and the Challenges of Ageing Populations
  69. Principles, Governance, and Coproduction of the Creative Ageing Policy
  70. Aims and Challenges of the Creative Ageing Policy
  71. The Emergence of the Creative Ageing Movement
  72. Comparative analysis of national and regional models of the silver economy in the European Union
  73. Work-Family Balance
  74. Emotion Work
  75. Dual Labor Market
  76. Trans Theorizing
  77. Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
  78. Activities of Daily Living
  79. “Silver Economy” Models in the European Union in the Comparative Approach: An Attempt to Introduce Discussion
  80. Book Review: Vishwas Satgar (ed.), The Solidarity Economy Alternative: Emerging Theory and PracticeSatgarVishwas (ed.), The Solidarity Economy Alternative: Emerging Theory and Practice, University of KwaZulu-Natal Press: Durban, 2014; 332 pp.: ISBN 978...
  81. Strategia Rozwoju Kapitału Społecznego 2020 (2013) by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland, published online at:
  82. Creative Aging: Drawing on the Arts to Enhance Healthy Aging
  83. Trans Theorizing
  84. Welfare State
  85. Emotion Work
  86. Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities: National and International Perspectives by Arie Rimmerman
  87. Economic Foundations for Creative Ageing Policy, Volume I
  88. Aging in the Social Space
  89. Activities of Daily Living
  90. Cultural Capital
  91. Harry R. Moody and Jennifer R. Sasser (2012). Aging: Concepts and Controversies (7th edition). Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore and Washington, DC: Sage Publications, 576 pp. ISBN 978 1 4522 0309 6 (paperback)
  92. The solidarity economy alternative: emerging theory and practice
  93. NGOization: Complicity, Contradictions and Prospects
  94. Public Policy: Ethics
  95. SIE Country Summary: Polska (SIE Country Summary: Poland)
  96. Modele wielosektorowej polityki społecznej wobec ludzi starych i starości w kontekście zmiany technologicznej
  97. Taksonomia funkcjonalnych kompetencji cyfrowych oraz metodologia pomiaru poziomu funkcjonalnych kompetencji cyfrowych ossb z pokolenia 50 plus (Taxonomy of Functional Digital Skills and Methodology for Measuring the Functional Level of Digital Literacy...
  98. Warner, Malcolm (Ed.) (2013), The Sociology of the Workplace. Abingdon: Routledge.
  99. New York
  100. Social Assistance
  101. SIE Country Summary: Poland
  102. Activities of Daily Living
  103. Book review: John M Hagedorn (ed.), Gangs in the Global City: Alternatives to Traditional CriminologyHagedornJohn M (ed.), Gangs in the Global City: Alternatives to Traditional Criminology, University of Illinois Press: Urbana, 2007; 320 pp.: ISBN 9780...
  104. Barriers to the Development of Creative Industries in Culturally Diverse Region
  105. Public Policy: Ethics
  106. Cultural Capital
  107. Welfare State
  108. Activities of Daily Living
  109. Andreas Hoff (ed.) (2011). Population Ageing in Central and Eastern Europe. Societal and Policy Implications. Farnham, UK and Burlington, VT, USA: Ashgate, 260 pp. ISBN 978 0 7546 7828 1 (hardback)
  110. Single Parents
  111. Hipoteza Sapira-Whorfa – przegląd argumentów zwolenników i przeciwników
  112. Contemporary Social Policy Towards Disability and Disabled People
  113. Regionalne obserwatorium kultury w wojewwdztwie podlaskim - uwarunkowania i planowane kierunki rozwoju (Regional Cultural Observatory in the Podlaskie Voivodeship - Conditions and Development Trends)
  114. Generational Differences, Generations of Western Society, Managing Multiple Generations in the Workplace
  115. Welfare State
  116. Activities of Daily Living
  117. Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
  118. Activities of Daily Living
  119. Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
  120. Poles Social Capital and Socio-Economic Development
  121. Gangs in the Global City: Alternatives to Traditional Criminology
  122. Emotion Work
  123. Second Life - Problems with the Prolongation of Reality
  124. Emotion work
  125. Activities of Daily Living
  126. Emotion work
  127. Emotion Work
  128. Activities of daily living
  129. Activities of daily living
  130. Welfare State
  131. Single Parents
  132. Changes in the Local Government System and Regional Policy in Poland
  133. Adulthood
  134. Causes of Crime
  135. Smart, age-friendly cities and communities: the emergence of socio-technological solutions in the Central and Eastern Europe
  136. Technology Transfer
  137. Activities of Daily Living
  138. Social and Solidarity Economy
  139. Technological Unemployment
  140. Benefits at the Interface Between Economic Systems
  141. Mixed Economy and Multisectoral Approach to Population Ageing
  142. Silver, Creative, and Social Economies as Positive Responses to Population Ageing
  143. Creativity and Ageing
  144. Old Age as a Stage in the Life Course and the Life Cycle
  145. New Technology: Risks and Gains