All Stories

  1. Endoscopic vacuum therapy for anastomotic leakage after upper gastrointestinal surgery
  2. Secondary wound closure with a new transparent negative-pressure dressing
  3. Secondary wound closure with a new transparent negative pressure dressing
  4. PEG-Anlage
  5. The Role of Open-Pore Film Drainage Systems in Endoscopic Vacuum Therapy: Current Status and Review of the Literature
  6. Snoring induced reflux (SnoR) and a carcinoma in the gastro-oesophageal junction
  7. Pre-emptive active drainage of reflux (PARD) in Ivor-Lewis oesophagectomy with negative pressure and simultaneous enteral nutrition using a double-lumen open-pore film drain (dOFD)
  8. Erste Erfahrungen mit der Präemptive Aktiven Reflux Drainage (PARD) bei Ivor-Lewis-Ösophagektomie mit gleichzeitiger enteraler Ernährung - Nutzung von kontinuierlichem Unterdruck und einer doppellumigen offenporigen Foliendrainage (dOFD)
  9. Endoscopic negative pressure therapy for a broad rectal fistula using pull-through open-pore film and polyurethane foam drains
  10. Emergency endoscopic negative pressure therapy of a long oesophageal perforation in eosinophilic esophagitis with a single-lumen nasogastric tube-like open-pore film drain
  11. Endoscopic negative pressure therapy (ENPT) of a spontaneous oesophageal rupture (Boerhaave’s syndrome) with peritonitis – a new treatment option
  12. Intrauterine negative-pressure therapy (IU-NPT) to treat peritonitis after caesarean section
  13. Iatrogenic esophageal perforation during fundoplication: treatment with endoscopic negative pressure therapy
  14. Gastroduodenal anastomotic insufficiency: pull-through technique for endoscopic negative pressure therapy with new types of open-pore drains
  15. Up date and review endoscopic negative pressure therapy (ENPT) in upper GI.
  16. In German: Up date and review endoscopic negative pressure therapy (ENPT) in upper GI.
  17. In German: How to do Endoscopic negative pressure therapy?
  18. How to do Endoscopic negative pressure therapy?
  19. Open-pore film drainage (OFD) is a new device for endoscopic negative pressure therapy (ENPT).
  21. Pullthrough technique for duodenal leaks with new drainage devices - with video
  22. Elimination of reflux after Ivor-Lewis Esohagoectomy with a new drainage device - with video
  23. Up-date and Review of Endoscopic Vacuum Therapy of the upper GI.
  24. First report on urinary vacuum therapy - in english
  25. First report on urinary vacuum therapy - in german
  26. New open-pore thin film based vacuum device has been developted - conference paper
  27. First report on urinary vacuum therapy - conference paper
  28. How to construct a vacuum drainage with a integrated intestinal feeding tube - with video
  29. Endoscopic negative pressure therapy for mediastinitis - german
  30. Endoscopic Vacuum Therapy Was Omitted
  31. Endoskopische Vakuumtherapie beim Boerhaave-Syndrom
  32. New drainage enables intestinal feeding and negative pressure treatment in esophagus.
  33. Transgastric Negative pressure therapy with a new small-bore drain device - with video
  34. Severe complication in the use of OTSC in colon: small bowel was grasped! - with video
  35. Duodenal perforation was treated with an new thin open-pore active drainage with vacuum
  36. Iatrogenic perforations treated with negative pressure therapy - conference paper
  37. Boerhaaves Perforation treated with endoscopic negative pressure therapy - case report
  38. Iatrogenic esophagus perforations (IEP) treated with endoscopic negative pressure - video
  39. Endoscopiv vacuum Therapy and Laparotomy
  40. Commend paper regarding negative pressure therapy in stomach - german
  41. Negative pressure promotes anastomotic healing in a case of ischemic anastomosis
  42. In German: Retrospective study on endoscopic vacuum therapy for esophageal leakage in 35 patients
  43. Explanation of negative pressure therapy for esophageal leakage - video paper
  44. Intracorporal negative pressure therapy of pancreatico-gastric leak
  45. Endoscopic vacuum therapy of anastomotic leakage and iatrogenic perforation in the esophagus
  46. Negative pressure therapy in esophagus - conference paper
  47. Duodenal perfortions treated with negative pressure - conference paper
  48. Reconstrucion of anastomosis with intracorporal negative pressure therapy
  49. Endoscopic negative pressure therapy for esophageal leaks - conference paper
  50. Intraluminal & intracavitary variants of endoscopic vacuum therapy are described.
  51. Complete anastomotic rupture after gastrectomy was treated solely with endoscopic vacuum therapy.
  52. Small case series regarding negative pressure treatment of duodenal leaks.
  53. Endoscopic negative pressure therapy for duodenal leaks - conference paper
  54. Endoscopic negative pressure therapy for esophageal leaks - conference paper
  55. Endoscopic negative pressure therapy is possible in the right colon.
  56. First report of endoscopic vacuum therapy to treat Boerhaave perforation.
  57. Negative Pressure Therapy for esophageal defects. First series world wide with 10 patients.
  58. First description of endoscopic vacuum therapy in a case of duodenal perforation
  59. Commend on a paper of Dr. Wedemeyer.