All Stories

  1. Introduction
  2. Preliminary Material
  3. An Unpublished Manuscript of Hugo Grotius: ‘On Public Partnership with Unbelievers’ (De societate publica cum infidelibus): Introduction, Transcription and English Translation
  4. A REVISED LOEB OF HISTORIA AUGUSTA - (D.) Magie, (D.) Rohrbacher (edd., trans.) Historia Augusta. Volume I. (Loeb Classical Library 139.) Pp. liv + 471. Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard University Press, 2022. Cased, £19.95, €25, US$28. ...
  5. Augustus’ Fame in Late Antiquity:
  6. Poëzie en politiek in de 4e eeuw n.Chr.
  7. Valerius Maximus’ Facta et dicta memorabilia and the Roman Biographical Tradition
  8. Constantine’s Arch: A Reassessment in the Light of Textual and Material Evidence
  9. Representation of emperorship in different media (coinage, text, arts) in fourth century Rome.
  10. LATE-ANTIQUE PANEGYRIC - (C.) Laudani (ed.) Nazario: Panegirico in onore di Costantino. (Biblioteca della Tradizione Classica 12.) Pp. 463. Bari: Cacucci Editore, 2014. Paper, €45. ISBN: 978-88-6611-405-5.
  12. N. W. BERNSTEIN, ETHICS, IDENTITY AND COMMUNITY IN LATER ROMAN DECLAMATION. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. Pp. x + 229.isbn 9780199964116. £50.00.
  13. (C.B.) Rose The Archaeology of Greek and Roman Troy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. Pp. xv + 406, illus. £65. 9780521762076.
  14. AUGUSTODUNUM - (A.) Hostein La cité et l'Empereur. Les Éduens dans l'Empire romain d'après les Panégyriques latins. (Histoire Ancienne et Médiévale 117.) Pp. 543, ills. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2012. Paper, €35. ISB...
  15. MAXENTIUS - (R.) Donciu L'Empereur Maxence. (Munera 34.) Pp. 261, ills. maps. Bari: Edipuglia, 2012. Cased, €40. ISBN: 978-88-7228-662-3.
  16. David Rijser. Raphael’s Poetics: Art and Poetry in High Renaissance Rome . Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2012. xxvii + 475 pp. + 18 color pls. €39.50. ISBN: 978–90–8964–342–1.
  17. Pliny's Panegyricus and the Historia Augusta
  18. Dam, R. van, 2011. Remembering Constantine at the Milvian Bridge. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. xiv, 296 pp., 3 maps. Pr. $90.00 (hb). ISBN 9781107096431.
  19. Style and Structure of the Historia Augusta
  20. Bibliography
  21. Index Locorum
  22. Index Nominum Antiquorum
  23. Emperors and Historiography
  24. Qui vitas aliorum scribere orditur: Narratological implications of fictional authors in the Historia Augusta
  25. Index Locorum
  26. Preliminary Material
  27. Index Nominum