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  1. The relationship between career adaptability and job content plateau: The mediating roles of fit perceptions
  2. Cognitive Cultural Intelligence and Life Satisfaction of Migrant Workers
  3. Emotional Intelligence and Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy: Mediating Roles of Goal Commitment and Professional Commitment
  4. Relationships between organizational justice, organizational trust and organizational commitment: a cross-cultural study of China, South Korea and Australia
  5. Social Support and Career Psychological States
  6. Career Decision Self-Efficacy and Life Satisfaction in China: An Empirical Analysis
  7. Core self-evaluation and career decision self-efficacy: A mediation model of value orientations
  8. The relationship between justice and commitment: the moderation of trust
  9. Core self-evaluation and life satisfaction: The person-environment fit perspective
  10. Moderation of Doing and Mastery orientations in relationships among justice, commitment, and trust
  11. Knowledge Sharing and Life Satisfaction: The Roles of Colleague Relationships and Gender
  12. Entrepreneurial Intention and Outcome Expectancy: Evidence from South Korea and China
  13. Emotional Intelligence and Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy: National and Gender Differences
  14. Emotional labor strategy and job satisfaction: A Chinese perspective