All Stories

  1. Land of wolves, school of shepherds: the importance of pastoral knowledge on co-existence with large carnivores
  2. The importance of locally sourced data in identifying population trends: Insights from Iberian vertebrates
  3. Unravelling discourses about the management of a migratory declining game species: the case of European Turtle-dove ( Streptopelia turtur )
  4. Evaluación crítica de la proposición de ley relativa a la conservación del lobo en España y su cohabitación con la ganadería extensiva y la lucha contra el reto demográfico
  5. Carrion ecology in inland aquatic ecosystems: a systematic review
  6. Carnivores’ contributions to people in Europe
  7. The underestimated role of carrion in vertebrates' diet studies
  8. Vulture culture: dietary specialization of an obligate scavenger
  9. Scavenging in the realm of senses: smell and vision drive recruitment at carcasses in Neotropical ecosystems
  10. Scavenger assemblages are structured by complex competition and facilitation processes among vultures
  11. Large-Scale Quantification and Correlates of Ungulate Carrion Production in the Anthropocene
  12. Long‐term demographic dynamics of a keystone scavenger disrupted by human‐induced shifts in food availability
  13. Comparing scavenging in marine and terrestrial ecosystems: a case study with fish and gull carcasses in a small Mediterranean island
  14. Apex scavengers from different European populations converge at threatened savannah landscapes
  15. The value of transhumance for biodiversity conservation: Vulture foraging in relation to livestock movements
  16. Usually hated, sometimes loved: A review of wild ungulates' contributions to people
  17. Economic valuation of non-material contributions to people provided by avian scavengers: Harmonizing conservation and wildlife-based tourism
  18. Avian scavengers' contributions to people: The cultural dimension of wildlife-based tourism
  19. Functional traits driving species role in the structure of terrestrial vertebrate scavenger networks
  20. Avian-power line interactions in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia: are mitigation actions effective?
  21. Uncovering the vertebrate scavenger guild composition and functioning in the Cerrado biodiversity hotspot
  22. Unravelling the vertebrate scavenger assemblage in the Gobi Desert, Mongolia
  23. Biases in the Detection of Intentionally Poisoned Animals: Public Health and Conservation Implications from a Field Experiment
  24. Which bait should I use? Insights from a camera trap study in a highly diverse cerrado forest
  25. Role of scavengers in providing non-material contributions to people
  26. Network structure of vertebrate scavenger assemblages at the global scale: drivers and ecosystem functioning implications
  27. Rethinking megafauna
  28. Scientific priorities and shepherds' perceptions of ungulate's contributions to people in rewilding landscapes
  29. Human-carnivore relations: conflicts, tolerance and coexistence in the American West
  30. Rewilding traditional grazing areas affects scavenger assemblages and carcass consumption patterns
  31. Human-carnivore relations: A systematic review
  32. Avoidance of carnivore carcasses by vertebrate scavengers enables colonization by a diverse community of carrion insects
  33. Scavenging in the Anthropocene: human impact drives vertebrate scavenger species richness at a global scale
  34. Probing into farmers’ perceptions of a globally endangered ecosystem service provider
  35. Shepherds’ local knowledge and scientific data on the scavenging ecosystem service: Insights for conservation
  36. Farmer Perceptions of the Ecosystem Services Provided by Scavengers: What, Who, and to Whom
  37. Scavenging efficiency and red fox abundance in Mediterranean mountains with and without vultures
  38. Evaluation of the network of protection areas for the feeding of scavengers in Spain: from biodiversity conservation to greenhouse gas emission savings
  39. Roles of Raptors in a Changing World: From Flagships to Providers of Key Ecosystem Services
  40. Supplanting ecosystem services provided by scavengers raises greenhouse gas emissions