All Stories

  1. Testing and Evaluation of Hybrid Polymer Composites Reinforced with Moringa oleifera and Boehmeria nivea Fibers, Embedded with Copper Oxide Particulates, for Thermal, Structural, and Biological Properties
  2. Emission study of a diesel engine fueled with higher alcohol-biodiesel blended fuels
  3. Investigation on emission pattern of biodiesel and Nano-particles
  4. Role of nano-additive blended biodiesel on emission characteristics of the research diesel engine
  5. Performance evaluation and emission characteristics of biodiesel-ignition enhancer blends propelled in a research diesel engine
  6. Performance and emission study on the effect of oxygenated additive in neat biodiesel fueled diesel engine
  7. Effect of di-ethyl-ether on biodiesel fuelled diesel engine
  8. Testing and Evaluation of Performance and Emissions Characteristics of Water- Biodiesel Aspirated Research Engine
  9. Investigation on emission characteristics of alcohol biodiesel blended diesel engine
  10. Performance study of neat biodiesel-gas fuelled diesel engine
  11. Emission characteristics on single cylinder diesel engine using biofuels
  12. Emission investigation of higher alcohol and biodiesel blends in constant speed diesel engine
  13. Emission analysis of dual fuelled diesel engine
  14. Experimental Testing and Evaluation of Neat Biodiesel and Heptanol Blends in Diesel Engine
  15. An analysis of the implications of air pollutants in Chennai
  16. The Effect of Sub-Zero Treatment on Mechanical Properties of GTAW Welded AA6082
  17. Role of Additives on Emission Characteristics of Methyl Ester in Constant Speed Diesel Engine