All Stories

  1. Biodegradable albumen dielectrics for high-mobility MoS2 phototransistors
  2. Low T direct plasma assisted growth of graphene on sapphire and its integration in graphene/MoS2 heterostructure-based photodetectors
  3. Making exciton physics easy and affordable
  4. Vertically molybdenum disulfide nanosheets on carbon cloth using CVD by controlling growth atmosphere for electrocatalysis
  5. Approaching the Intrinsic Properties of Moiré Structures Using Atomic Force Microscopy Ironing
  6. Solvent-free fabrication of broadband WS<sub>2</sub> photodetectors on paper
  7. Laser trimming for lithography-free fabrications of MoS2 devices
  8. Combining Freestanding Ferroelectric Perovskite Oxides with Two-Dimensional Semiconductors for High Performance Transistors
  9. Straining two-dimensional atomically thin materials
  10. An Automated System for Strain Engineering and Straintronics of 2D Materials
  11. Unusual Deformation and Fracture in Gallium Telluride Multilayers
  12. Deformation Mechanism of Depositing Amorphous Cu-Ta Alloy Film via Nanoindentation Test
  13. Stretching ReS2 along different crystal directions: Anisotropic tuning of the vibrational and optical responses
  14. Straining and Tuning Atomic Layer Nanoelectromechanical Resonators via Comb‐Drive MEMS Actuators
  15. Controlled Growth of Edge‐Enriched ReS2 Nanoflowers on Carbon Cloth Using Chemical Vapor Deposition for Hydrogen Evolution
  16. 2H/1T′ phase WS2(1−x)Te2x alloys grown by chemical vapor deposition with tunable band structures
  17. Passivation of Layered Gallium Telluride by Double Encapsulation with Graphene
  18. Hexagonal Boron Nitride Phononic Crystal Waveguides
  19. Frequency Tuning of Two-Dimensional Nanoelectromechanical Resonators Via Comb-Drive Mems Actuators
  20. A Programmable Sustaining Amplifier for Flexible Multimode MEMS-Referenced Oscillators
  21. Optical contrast signatures of hexagonal boron nitride on a device platform
  22. Beta gallium oxide (β-Ga2O3) nanoelectromechanical transducer for dual-modality solar-blind ultraviolet light detection
  23. A Self-Sustained Frequency Comb Oscillator via Tapping Mode Comb-Drive Resonator Integrated with a Feedback ASIC
  24. Growth of Monolayer WS2 Single Crystals with Atmospheric Pressure CVD: Role of Temperature
  25. High-Frequency Hexagonal Boron Nitride (h-BN) Phononic Waveguides
  26. A Temperature-Compensated Single-Crystal Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) MEMS Oscillator with a CMOS Amplifier Chip
  27. NaCl-Assisted CVD Synthesis, Transfer and Persistent Photoconductivity Properties of Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
  28. Lattice Vibration of Layered GaTe Single Crystals
  29. The Electronic Properties of O-Doped Pure and Sulfur Vacancy-Defect Monolayer WS2: A First-Principles Study
  30. High-Quality GaSe Single Crystal Grown by the Bridgman Method
  31. Experimental study on an evaporation process to deposit MoO2 microflakes
  32. Annealing temperature–dependent electronic properties in hydrothermal TiO2 nanorod arrays
  33. NaCl-assisted one-step growth of MoS2–WS2in-plane heterostructures
  34. Recent progress in synthesis of two-dimensional hexagonal boron nitride
  35. Controllable growth of monolayer MoS2by chemical vapor deposition via close MoO2precursor for electrical and optical applications
  36. Evolution of resistive switching and its ionic models in Pt/Nb-doped SrTiO3junctions
  37. Sonication-polished anodic TiO2 nanotube array-based photoanode for efficient solar energy conversion
  38. Oxygen vacancies induced DX center and persistent photoconductivity properties of high quality ZnO nanorods
  39. Spatially resolved and orientation dependent Raman mapping of epitaxial lateral overgrowth nonpolar a-plane GaN on r-plane sapphire
  40. Dissolvable and biodegradable resistive switching memory based on magnesium oxide
  41. Large scale production of graphene quantum dots through the reaction of graphene oxide with sodium hypochlorite
  42. Thickness-induced structural phase transformation of layered gallium telluride
  43. Comparative study on interface and bulk charges in AlGaN/GaN metal–insulator–semiconductor heterostructures with Al2O3, AlN, and Al2O3/AlN laminated dielectrics
  44. Using in-process measurements of open-gate structures to evaluate threshold voltage of normally-off GaN-based high electron mobility transistors
  45. Optical gas sensing by micro-photoluminescence on multiple and single ZnO nanowires
  46. Improved Interface and Transport Properties of AlGaN/GaN MIS-HEMTs With PEALD-Grown AlN Gate Dielectric
  47. Polarity-controlled ultraviolet/visible light ZnO nanorods/p-Si photodetector
  48. Silicon-on-insulator based ZnO nanowire photodetector
  49. Suppression of gallium inhomogeneity in ZnO nanostructures on GaN using seed layers
  50. Growth-induced Stacking Faults of ZnO Nanorods Probed by Spatial Resolved Cathodoluminescence
  51. Towards the cost effective epitaxy of hillocks free CdZnTe film on (001)GaAs by close-spaced sublimation
  52. Enforced c-axis growth of ZnO epitaxial chemical vapor deposition films on a-plane sapphire
  53. One-step fast deposition of thick epitaxial CdZnTe film on (001)GaAs by close-spaced sublimation
  54. Catalytic growth of hexagonally aligned ZnO nanorods
  55. Epitaxial growth of coaxial GaInN-GaN hetero-nanotubes
  56. MOVPE growth of GaN around ZnO nanopillars
  57. Characterization of HgMnTe crystals grown by vertical Bridgman method