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  1. Nexus between Social Vulnerability and Resilience to Agricultural Drought amongst South African Smallholder Livestock Households
  2. Diversity of Food Insecurity Coping Strategies among Livestock Farmers in Northern Cape Province of South Africa
  3. Competitiveness of Namibia’s Agri-Food Commodities: Implications for Food Security
  4. Cost-Effectiveness of Acaricide Application Methods against Heartwater Disease in South Africa
  5. Decomposition of Green Agriculture Productivity for Policy in Africa: An Application of Global Malmquist–Luenberger Index
  6. The impact of live sheep export trade on the South Africa economy
  7. Drivers of Postharvest Loss among Citrus Farmers in Eastern Cape Province of South Africa: A Zero-Inflated Poisson (ZIP) Regression Model Analysis
  8. Social vulnerability to agricultural drought: Insights from Northern Cape, South Africa
  9. Quantifying the Impact of COVID-19 Relief Vouchers Schemes on Food Security: Empirical Evidence Insights from South Africa
  10. Exploring Biblioshiny for Historical Assessment of Global Research on Sustainable Use of Water in Agriculture
  11. Exploring the Growth of Agricultural Productivity in AFRICA: A Färe-Primont Index Approach
  12. Is It Really Feminization of Agriculture? The Issue of Household Food Security in Lesotho’s Southern Lowland District
  13. Smallholder sheep farmers’ perception of production constraints and competitiveness strategies in South Africa
  14. Rethinking Blended High Yielding Seed Varieties and Partial-Organic Fertilizer Climate Smart Agriculture Practices for Productivity and Farm Income Gains in the Drylands of Zimbabwe
  15. Nexus between Coping Strategies and Households’ Agricultural Drought Resilience to Food Insecurity in South Africa
  16. The economic impact of heartwater on the South African livestock industry and the need for a new vaccine
  17. Downstream Economic Implications of Predation in the South African Red Meat Industry
  18. The Impact of Agricultural Drought on Smallholder Livestock Farmers: Empirical Evidence Insights from Northern Cape, South Africa
  19. Adaptation, coping strategies and resilience of agricultural drought in South Africa: implication for the sustainability of livestock sector
  20. Quantifying the missed EU market access opportunity for South African frozen
  21. Meeting Adversity with Resilience: Survival of Zimbabwean Migrant Women in South Africa
  22. Determinants of Smallholder Livestock Farmers’ Household Resilience to Food Insecurity in South Africa
  23. Perception of agricultural drought resilience in South Africa: A case of smallholder livestock farmers
  24. Impact of Agricultural Drought Resilience on the Welfare of Smallholder Livestock Farming Households in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa
  25. The financial viability of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology : a case of sheep feedlots
  26. Price attributes of Döhne Merino wool in South Africa
  27. Competitiveness of South Africa's agri-food commodities
  28. Empowerment of smallholder female livestock farmers and its potential impacts to their resilience to agricultural drought
  29. The Economic Impact of Policy Interventions to Mitigate Water Use in Irrigation Agriculture in South Africa
  30. The Financial Viability of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Technology: A case of Sheep Feedlots
  31. The Financial Viability of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Technology: A case of Sheep Feedlots
  32. Agricultural Management Practices and Factors Affecting Technical Efficiency in Zimbabwe Maize Farming
  33. Trade and Welfare Impacts of the Frozen Orange Juice Tariff Rate Quota of South Africa
  34. Smallholder livestock farmers coping and adaptation strategies to agricultural drought
  35. Factors influencing the resilience of smallholder livestock farmers to agricultural drought in South Africa: Implication for adaptive capabilities
  36. Job Market Perceptions of African Migrant Women in South Africa as an Initial and Long-Term Coping and Adaptation Mechanism
  37. Improving livelihood of smallholder farmers through region specific strategies: a case study of South African sheep production
  38. Coping and adaptation mechanisms employed by sub-Saharan African migrant women in South Africa
  39. Improving the income status of smallholder vegetable farmers through a homestead food garden intervention
  40. Tariff rate quota impacts on export market access of South African fruit products into the EU market
  41. Ecological vulnerability indicators to drought: Case of communal farmers in Eastern Cape, South Africa
  42. Perception and understanding of agricultural extension: perspective of farmers and public agricultural extension in Taba Nchu
  43. Does women’s empowerment through policy intervention reduce food insecurity in South Africa?
  44. The impact of drought on commercial livestock farmers in South Africa
  45. The impact of the homestead food garden programme on food security in South Africa
  46. Assessing participation in homestead food garden programmes, land ownership and their impact on productivity and net returns of smallholder maize producers in South Africa
  47. Indicators for economic vulnerability to drought in South Africa
  48. The role of indigenous knowledge in drought risk reduction: A case of communal farmers in South Africa
  49. Rainwater Harvesting for Sustainable Water Resource Management in Eritrea: Farmers’ Adoption and Policy Implications
  50. Assessing social vulnerability to drought in South Africa: Policy implication for drought risk reduction
  51. Toward a Sustainable Agriculture: Farming Practices and Water Use
  52. Microcredit and gender empowerment: policy implications for sustainable agricultural development in Eritrea
  53. Communal farmers' perception of drought in South Africa: Policy implication for drought risk reduction
  54. The comparative advantage of South Africa soybean production
  55. Impacts of the SADC Free Trade Agreement on South African Agricultural Trade
  56. The role of agriculture in welfare, income distribution and economic development of the Free State Province of South Africa: A CGE approach