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  1. Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 (GLP-1) in the Integration of Neural and Endocrine Responses to Stress
  2. GLP-1 receptor agonist ameliorates experimental lung fibrosis
  3. Editorial: Modulating Glial Cells Phenotype: New Findings and Therapies
  4. Perinatal Undernutrition, Metabolic Hormones, and Lung Development
  5. Liraglutide Enhances the Activity of the ACE-2/Ang(1–7)/Mas Receptor Pathway in Lungs of Male Pups from Food-Restricted Mothers and Prevents the Reduction of SP-A
  6. The GLP-1 analog, liraglutide prevents the increase of proinflammatory mediators in the hippocampus of male rat pups submitted to maternal perinatal food restriction
  7. Incretins activate the corticoadrenal axis
  8. The corticotrophin-releasing factor/urocortin system regulates white fat browning in mice through paracrine mechanisms
  9. Maternal stress alters the developmental program of embryonic hippocampal neurons growing in vitro
  10. Prenatal stress increases the expression of proinflammatory cytokines and exacerbates the inflammatory response to LPS in the hippocampal formation of adult male mice
  11. Prenatal stress causes alterations in the morphology of microglia and the inflammatory response of the hippocampus of adult female mice
  12. Selective Oestrogen Receptor Modulators Decrease the Inflammatory Response of Glial Cells