All Stories

  1. Interaction in Remote Peddling Using Avatar Robot by People with Disabilities
  2. Meta Avatar Robot Cafe: Linking Robotic and Virtual Avatars for People with Disabilities to Work
  3. AHOBO, a frailty care robot for the elderly that helps maintain cognition and health
  4. Break Promotion by Desktop Agent to Reduce Fatigue in Remote Working from Smart House with Smart Robot
  5. Atmosphere Sharing System by Lighting and Fragrance to Enhance Quality of Work in Telework
  6. Avatar Work
  7. Home Atmosphere Visualization Based on Motion Sensing in Smart Living Room
  8. Distracted Walking Accident Prevention by LED Color and Sound of Glasses-type Wearable Devices
  9. Atmosphere Estimation of Users in Smart Symbiotic Living with Family-type Robot LOVOT
  10. Vision-based HRV Measurement for HRI Study
  11. Super Human Fighting Sport "Shin-Ken VR" ~ Physically Challenged Person VS Fighter ~
  12. Personal characteristics expression by changing forms of the eyelid for deformed face robot
  13. Estimation of autonomic nervous activity toward affective human-robot interaction
  14. Personal characteristics expression using nose and mouth movement for face deformed robot
  15. Estimation of Autonomic Nervous Activity for Communication Robot
  16. Multi-robot behavior adaptation to local and global communication atmosphere in humans-robots interaction
  17. Adapting Multi-Robot Behavior to Communication Atmosphere in Humans-Robots Interaction Using Fuzzy Production Rule Based Friend-Q Learning
  18. Concept of Fuzzy Atmosfield for Representing Communication Atmosphere and its Application to Humans-Robots Interaction
  19. Soft-computing-based emotional expression mechanism for game of computer Go
  20. FML-based emotional expression system for computer Go application
  21. Multimodal Gesture Recognition for Mascot Robot System Based on Choquet Integral Using Camera and 3D Accelerometers Fusion
  22. Emotion recognition based on human gesture and speech information using RT middleware
  23. Emotional states based 3-D Fuzzy Atmosfield for casual communication between humans and robots
  24. Multimodal gesture recognition based on Choquet integral
  25. Presence expression using eye robot for computer go and system
  26. The Autonomous Mobile Robot Controller Developed by RBF Network and Genetic Algorithm
  27. Gesture recognition using combination of acceleration sensor and images for casual communication between robots and humans
  28. 1P1-D04 An Antenna Hair-Type Object for Generating Empathy based on Posture as a Familiarity Component : Development of AHOGE
  29. Mentality Expressive Motion based on Pleasure-arousal Plane for An Antenna Hair-Type Object for Generating Empathy
  30. Fuzzy Inference-Based Mentality Expression for Eye Robot in Affinity Pleasure-Arousal Space
  31. Fuzzy Inference based Mentality Expression for Eye Robot in Affinity Pleasure-Arousal Space
  32. 1P1-G02 Natural Man-Machine Communication by Mascot Robot System
  33. Report of Third Fuzzy School