All Stories

  1. Influence of the Conditions of Alkaline Pretreatment of Vegetable Raw Material before Hydrolysis in a Rotor Pulsation Device on the Cellulose Conversion
  4. Cereal barcoding by assessing intron length polymorphism of γ-tubulin genes
  5. Characterization of Bila Tserkva winter common wheat cultivars with respect to marker loci
  6. Comparative analysis of Brassica carinata and fungal industrial lipases used for biodiesel production
  7. Prediction of protein-ligand binding sites modulating activity of MAST protein kinases
  8. Structural features of carrot α-tubulin predetermining the natural resistance to dinitroaniline herbicides
  10. Analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms in sequences of Pina and Pinb genes of the diploid wheats Triticum monococcum and T. urartu
  11. Distribution and infraspecific diversity of little-pod false flax (Camelina microcarpa, Brassicaceae) in Ukraine
  12. The Use of PGPB-based Bioformulations to Control Bacterial Diseases of Vegetable Crops in Ukraine
  13. Ivermectin affects Arabidopsis thaliana microtubules through predicted binding site of β-tubulin
  15. Strain-specific Features of Pleurotus Osreatus Growth in Vitro and Some of Its Biological Activities
  16. Mechanisms of Intron-Mediated Enhancement of Expression: Welcome to the Hotel California
  17. Overcoming genetic paucity of Camelina sativa: possibilities for interspecific hybridization conditioned by the genus evolution pathway
  18. Ефективність оцінювання генетичної різноманітності рижію дрібноплідного (Camelina microcarpa Andrz. ex DC.) в Україні за допомогою SSR- та TBP-маркерів
  19. Algorithm for creating ILP markers for molecular genetic analysis of Triticum durum and other types of cereals
  20. Alleles at the Gli-A3 locus in groups of ukrainian winter common wheat cultivars of different origin
  22. Polymorphism of Pinb-1 Gene Length in Aegilops biuncialis Vis.
  23. Про результати виконання цільової програми наукових досліджень НАН України «Біопаливні ресурси і біоенергетика»
  24. Antagonistic activity of selected macromycetes against two harmful micromycetes.
  25. In silico induced effect of N‐ε‐lysine acetylation on microtubule stability and subsequent interaction of microtubule‐associated proteins
  26. Green Synthesis of CdTe Quantum Dots and Their Effect on Human and Animal Cells
  28. The role of nitric oxide and hydrogen sulfide in regulation of redox homeostasis at extreme temperatures in plants
  29. Cellular Mechanisms of the Formation of Plant Adaptive Responses to High Temperatures
  30. Methodological possibilities of isothermal amplification of nucleic acids for the detection of transgenic events
  31. My Life Under the Star of Biology
  32. Особливості культивування штаму-продуцента рибофлавіну Bacillus subtilis IFBG MK-1A у біореакторі з підживленням
  33. Грегор Мендель і його роль у розвитку генетичної науки: до 200-річчя від дня народження
  34. Characterization of β-Tubulin Genes in Prunus persica and Prunus dulcis for Fingerprinting of their Interspecific Hybrids
  35. Evaluation of Ukrainian Camelina sativa germplasm productivity and analysis of its amenability for efficient biodiesel production
  36. Wheat Genes Associated with Different Types of Resistance against Stem Rust (Puccinia graminis Pers.)
  37. Genome-wide identification and analysis of the cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase (ckx) gene family in finger millet (Eleusine coracana)
  38. Identification of Genotypes with Recombinant Arm 1RS In Bread Wheat Segregating F5 Populations from Crosses Between Carriers of 1BL.1RS and 1AL.1RS
  39. Common wheat genotypes with null-alleles at gliadin loci
  40. Comparison of methods of DNA extraction from herbarium specimens of little-pod false flax (Camelina microcarpa Andrz. Ex Dc.)
  41. Development of ILP-markers for Aegilops tauschii and their application in molecular genetic analysis
  43. Quantum Dot-Antibody Conjugates for Immunofluorescence Studies of Biomolecules and Subcellular Structures
  44. The Role of Nitric Oxide in the Arabidopsis thaliana Response to Simulated Microgravity and the Involvement of Autophagy in This Process
  45. Вплив авермектинвмісних поліфункціональних біостимуляторів на стійкість пшениці до сольового стресу
  46. Вплив авермектинвмісних препаратів на стійкість пшениці до посухи
  47. Structure‐based virtual screening and biological evaluation of novel inhibitors of mycobacterium Z‐ring formation
  48. Demonstration of targeted crossovers in hybrid maize using CRISPR technology
  49. Synthesis, Properties and Bioimaging Applications of Silver-Based Quantum Dots
  50. Heritable DNA-free genome editing of canola (Brassica napus L.) using PEG-mediated transfection of isolated protoplasts
  51. Silver nanoparticles as inhibitors of insulin amyloid formation: A fluorescence study
  52. Sodium Nitroprusside as a Resistance Inducer in Tomato Plants against Pathogens of Bacterial Diseases
  53. The Role of Posttranslational Acetylation in the Association of Autophagy Protein ATG8 with Microtubules in Plant Cells
  54. In silico mechanistic model of microtubule assembly inhibition by selective chromone derivatives
  55. Current Approaches to Identification of Fusarium Fungi Infecting Wheat
  56. Identification of Genes for Resistance to Yellow Rust of Asian Origin in Winter Wheat Cultivars and Lines
  57. Brassinosteroids application induces phosphatidic acid production and modify antioxidant enzymes activity in tobacco in calcium-dependent manner
  58. Grain filling in barley relies on developmentally controlled programmed cell death
  59. Sources of Chromosomal Polymorphism of Microsporocytes in Species of Lilium L. and Allium L.: Cytomixis, Extra Chromosomes, and Chromatin Diminution
  60. Eco-friendly Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles Using Camellia sinensis Phytoextracts
  61. Intraspecific Differentiation in White Mistletoe (Viscum album L.) Using the Analysis of Intron Length Polymorphism of β-Tubulin Genes and the SSR Analysis
  62. Proposal of Potent Inhibitors for a Bacterial Cell Division Protein FtsZ: Molecular Simulations Based on Molecular Docking and ab Initio Molecular Orbital Calculations
  63. Plant Feedstocks and their Biogas Production Potentials
  64. Induction of Wheat Resistance against the Causative Agent of Basal Bacteriosis with Growth-Promoting Bacteria
  65. Cadmium, nickel, copper, and zinc influence on microfilament organization in Arabidopsis root cells
  66. Biobutanol Production from Plant Biomass
  67. High-Efficiency Ukrainian Strains of Microalgae for Biodiesel Fuel Production (Overview)
  68. Evaluating the Diversity and Breeding Prospects of Ukrainian Spring Camelina Genotypes
  69. Correction to: “Green” synthesis of Ag2S nanoparticles, study of their properties and bioimaging applications
  70. Changes in Allele Frequencies at Storage Protein Loci of Winter Common Wheat under Climate Change
  71. Obtaining Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Lines with Yeast Genes for Trehalose Biosynthesis
  72. Specific interactions between tau protein and curcumin derivatives: Molecular docking and ab initio molecular orbital simulations
  73. Structural Biological Characteristics of CK1-Like Protein Kinase Isotypes Associated with Regulation of Plant Microtubules
  74. Obtaining Transgenic Potato Plants Expressing the Human Lactoferrin Gene and Analysis of Their Resistance to Phytopathogens
  75. Transgenic tomato lines expressing human lactoferrin show increased resistance to bacterial and fungal pathogens
  76. “Green” synthesis of Ag2S nanoparticles, study of their properties and bioimaging applications
  77. Metabolic Engineering of Lysine Producing Corynebacterium glutamicum Strains
  78. Variation of Storage Proteins in Crimean Populations of Dasypyrum villosum
  79. Binding sites of Zantrin inhibitors to the bacterial cell division protein FtsZ: Molecular docking and ab initio molecular orbital calculations
  80. Genetic and Reproductive State Assessment of Ulmus pumila and U. suberosa Invasive Populations in the Dnieper Steppe under Climate Change
  81. Proposal of therapeutic curcumin derivatives for Alzheimer’s disease based on ab initio molecular simulations
  82. A journey through a plant cytoskeleton: Hot spots in signaling and functioning
  83. Studying the Role of Protein Kinases CK1 in Organization of Cortical Microtubules in Arabidopsis thaliana Root Cells
  84. Potential Involvement of KIN10 and KIN11 Catalytic Subunits of the SnRK1 Protein Kinase Complexes in the Regulation of Arabidopsis γ-Tubulin
  86. Emerging Technologies for Enhancing ROS/RNS Homeostasis
  87. Genetic Background of the Resistance against Parasitic Nematodes in Wheat
  88. The Potential Role of SnRK1 Protein Kinases in the Regulation of Cell Division in Arabidopsis thaliana
  89. RNAi-Based Biocontrol of Wheat Nematodes Using Natural Poly-Component Biostimulants
  90. Green potential of Pleurotus spp. in biotechnology
  91. Influence of the dispersion medium on the properties of CdTe micro- and nanocrystals in a colloidal solution
  92. Flax tubulin and CesA superfamilies represent attractive and challenging targets for a variety of genome- and base-editing applications
  93. CdS Quantum Dots Obtained by “Green” Synthesis: Comparative Analysis of Toxicity and Effects on the Proliferative and Adhesive Activity of Human Cells
  94. Analysis of α-Tubulin Gene Expression During Cold Acclimation of Winter and Spring Soft Wheat
  95. Studying the genetic structure of Quercus robur forest stands on anthropogenically transformed territories using introns of the β-tubulin gene
  96. Intron length polymorphism of β-tubulin genes in Deschampsia antarctica É. Desv. across the western coast of the Antarctic Peninsula
  97. Molecular Genetic Evaluation of Ukrainian Flax Cultivar Homogeneity Based on Intron Length Polymorphism of Actin Genes and Microsatellite Loci
  98. Motif-Based Prediction of Plant Tubulin Phosphorylation Sites Associated with Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinases in Arabidopsis thaliana
  99. Studying Recombination between the 1RS Arms from the Rye Petkus and Insave Involved in the 1BL.1RS and 1AL.1RS Translocations using Storage Protein Loci as Genetic Markers
  100. Epicuticular Wax Composition of Leaves of Tilia L. Trees as a Marker of Adaptation to the Climatic Conditions of the Steppe Dnieper
  101. Genome-wide identification, phylogenetic classification, and exon-intron structure characterization of the tubulin and actin genes in flax (Linum usitatissimum )
  102. Histochemical Analysis of Tissue-Specific α-Tubulin Acetylation as a Response to Autophagy Induction by Different Stress Factors in Arabidopsis thaliana
  103. Cytoskeleton in the Parasitic Plant Cuscuta During Germination and Prehaustorium Formation
  104. “Cell grafting”: a new approach for transferring cytoplasmic or nuclear genome between plants
  105. Legal Regulation of Plant Genome Editing with the CRISPR/Cas9 Technology as an Example
  106. Advances, Problems, and Prospects of Genetic Transformation of Fungi
  107. Is Casein Kinase 2 Able to Phosphorylate Plant α-Tubulin?
  108. Nitric oxide modulates actin filament organization in Arabidopsis thaliana primary root cells at low temperatures
  109. <b>Binding properties between curcumin and malarial tubulin: molecular-docking and </b><i><b>ab initio</b></i><b> fragment molecular orbital calculations</b>
  110. Comparative analysis of the efficiency of intron-length polymorphism of β-tubulin genes and microsatellite loci for flax varieties genotyping
  111. Specific interactions between mycobacterial FtsZ protein and curcumin derivatives: Molecular docking and ab initio molecular simulations
  112. Nitric oxide synthase inhibitor L-NAME affects Arabidopsis root growth, morphology, and microtubule organization
  113. Intron length polymorphism of β-tubulin genes of Aegilops biuncialis Vis
  114. Structural and functional features of lysine acetylation of plant and animal tubulins
  115. Protein kinase KIN10 from Arabidopsis thaliana as a potential regulator of primary microtubule nucleation centers in plants
  116. Cytoskeleton and nucleoskeleton involvement in processes of cytomixis in plants
  117. Expression analysis of cellulose synthase and main cytoskeletal protein genes in flax (Linum usitatissimum L.)
  118. Tubulin acetylation accompanies autophagy development induced by different abiotic stimuli in Arabidopsis thaliana
  119. Genetic approaches in research on the role of trehalose in plants
  120. 3D-modeling of carboxyl-terminal phosphorylation of plant αβ-tubulin and its role in kinesin-8/microtubule interaction
  121. Protein phosphatases potentially associated with regulation of microtubules, their spatial structure reconstruction and analysis
  122. MAST-like protein kinase IREH1 from Arabidopsis thaliana co-localizes with the centrosome when expressed in animal cells
  123. Investigation of novel oligoelectrolyte polymer carriers for their capacity of DNA delivery into plant cells
  124. Bioinformatic search for Ca2+- and calmodulin-dependent protein kinases potentially associated with the regulation of plant cytoskeleton
  125. Cellular mechanisms of nuclear migration
  126. Double helix of the journal Cytology and Genetics: 50 years later
  127. α-tubulin acetylation and detyrosination correlate with starvation-induced autophagy in tobacco cells
  128. Analysis of cellulose synthase gene expression strategies in higher plants using RNA-sequencing data
  129. Efficiency of the induction of cytomixis in the microsporogenesis of dicotyledonous (N. tabacum L.) and monocotyledonous (H. distichum L.) plants by thermal stress
  130. Adaptation of the gymnosperms to the conditions of irradiation in the Chernobyl zone: from morphological abnormalities to the molecular genetic consequences
  131. Thirty years after Chernobyl accident: Evaluation of consequences by biologists and medical scientists
  132. 3D structure prediction of histone acetyltransferase proteins of the MYST family and their interactome in Arabidopsis thaliana
  133. Influence of cold on organization of actin filaments of different types of root cells in Arabidopsis thaliana
  134. Intra- and intertissular cytomictic interactions in the microsporogenesis of mono- and dicotyledonous plants
  135. Influence of solvating water molecules on the attacking mechanisms of OH-radical to DNA base pairs: DFT calculations in explicit waters
  136. Influence of protein kinase KIN10 gene expression on root phenotype of Arabidopsis thaliana root system under condition of energy stress
  137. Sr33 and Sr35 gene homolog identification in genomes of cereals related to Aegilops tauschii and Triticum monococcum
  138. Genetic marking of glume color in Triticum spelta L. var. caeruleum using gliadins
  139. Variability of microsatellite loci in Vincetoxicum Wolf species in southeastern Ukraine
  140. Involvement of Inositol Biosynthesis and Nitric Oxide in the Mediation of UV-B Induced Oxidative Stress
  141. High biomass producers and promising candidates for biodiesel production from microalgae collection IBASU-A(Ukraine)
  142. The homologous identification of the stem rust resistance genes Rpg5, Adf3 and RGA1 in the relatives of barley
  143. Extracellular Synthesis of Luminescent CdS Quantum Dots Using Plant Cell Culture
  144. Enhancement of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of plants using trifluoperazine and genistein—protein kinase inhibitors
  145. Involvement of plant cytoskeleton in cellular mechanisms of metal toxicity
  146. Non-covalent Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes for Efficient Gene Delivery
  147. Plant genetic transformation using carbon nanotubes for DNA delivery
  148. Development of marker-free transformants by site-specific recombinases
  149. Metabolic architecture of the cereal grain and its relevance to maximize carbon use efficiency
  150. Bioinformatic search for cellulose synthase genes in flax (Linum usitatissimum) and their phylogenetic analysis
  151. Biosynthesis of cadmium sulphide quantum dots by usingPleurotus ostreatus(Jacq.) P. Kumm
  152. Bioinformatic comparison of human and higher plant phosphatomes
  153. Molecular aspects of endosomal cellular transport
  154. Role of transcription factors in transdifferentiation of the gastric mucosa
  155. Nitric Oxide and UV-B Radiation
  156. Biosynthesis of Quantum Dots and Their Potential Applications in Biology and Biomedicine
  157. Genetic transformation of moss Ceratodon purpureus by means of polycationic carriers of DNA
  158. DMAEM-based cationic polymers as novel carriers for DNA delivery into cells
  159. cDNA library construction from meristematic tissue of finger millet panicle
  160. Application of Carbon Nanotubes for Plant Genetic Transformation
  161. Mapping a new secalin locus on the rye 1RS arm
  162. Plant-based biopharming of recombinant human lactoferrin
  163. Obtaining the transgenic lines of finger millet Eleusine coracana (L.). with dinitroaniline resistance
  164. Creation of transgenic sugar beet lines expressing insect pest resistance genes cry1C and cry2A
  165. Structural mechanisms of interaction of cyanolcrylates with plant tubulin
  166. Alleles at storage protein loci in Triticum spelta L. accessions and their occurrence in related wheats
  167. Biosynthesis of luminescent CdS quantum dots using plant hairy root culture
  168. DNA Dependent DNA Polymerases as Targets for Low-Weight Molecular Inhibitors: State of Art and Prospects of Rational Design
  169. Biodiesel from microalgae: Ways for increasing the effectiveness of lipid accumulation by genetic engineering methods
  170. Biobutanol as an alternative type of fuel
  171. Influence of 24-epibrassinolide on lipid signalling and metabolism in Brassica napus
  172. Allelic state of the molecular marker for golden nematode (Globodera rostochiensis) resistance gene H1 among Ukrainian and world potato (Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum) cultivars
  173. Increasing the resistance of rape plants to the parasitic nematode Heterodera schachtii using RNAi technology
  174. Plant microtubules reorganization under the indirect UV-B exposure and during UV-B-induced programmed cell death
  175. Establishment of in vitro culture, plant regeneration, and genetic transformation of Camelina sativa
  176. Genetic transformation of flax (Linum usaitatissimum L.) with the chimeric GFP-TUA6 gene for the visualization of microtubules
  177. Tubulin tyrosine nitration regulates microtubule organization in plant cells
  178. Study of the effects produced by gamma-irradiation of common wheat F1 seeds using gliadins as genetic markers
  179. An Effective Procedure for In Vitro Culture of Eleusine coracana (L.) and Its Application
  180. Isolation and amplification of cDNA from the conserved region of the nematode Heterodera schachtii 8H07 gene with a close similarity to its homolog in rape plants
  181. Cytoskeleton-mediated signalling pathways in UV-B perception by plant cell
  182. Adaptation strategy of barley plants to UV-B radiation
  183. Effects of tyrosine kinase and phosphatase inhibitors on mitosis progression in synchronized tobacco BY-2 cells
  184. A somaclonal line SE7 of finger millet (Eleusine coracana) exhibits modified cytokinin homeostasis and increased grain yield
  185. Genetically modified plants and plant protection problems: Progress and estimation of potential risks
  186. Effects of phytohormones on the cytoskeleton of the plant cell
  187. Docking small ligands to molecule of the plant FtsZ protein: Application of the CUDA technology for faster computations
  188. Effect of serine/threonine protein kinases and protein phosphatases inhibitors on mitosis progression in a synchronized tobacco BY-2 culture
  189. Inhibitors of tyrosine kinases and phosphatases as a tool for the investigation of microtubule role in plant cold response
  190. A putative role for amino acid permeases in sink-source communication of barley tissues uncovered by RNA-seq
  191. Morphological and histochemical analysis of mucous membrane transformation of the artificial urinary bladder
  192. Nitric oxide as a critical factor for perception of UV-B irradiation by microtubules in Arabidopsis
  193. Nitric oxide signalling via cytoskeleton in plants
  194. Identification of the allelic state of the Lr34 leaf rust resistance gene in soft winter wheat cultivars developed in Ukraine
  195. Unintended effects of genetic modifications and methods of their analysis in plants
  196. Specific features of the apoptotic response of urinary bladder cancer cells to neoadjuvant chemotherapy
  197. Reconstruction of the spatial structure of plant phosphatases types 1 and 2A in complexes with okadaic acid
  198. Generation of transgenic barley lines producing human lactoferrin using mutant alpha-tubulin gene as the selective marker
  199. Bioinformatic search for plant homologs of the protein kinase Bub1—a key component of the mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint
  200. New 2,6-dinitroaniline derivatives with an antimitotic effect and their synergistic activity in the compositions with graminicides
  201. MAST2-like proteinkinase from grape Vitis vinifera: Cloning of catalytic domain cDNA
  202. Effects of inhibitors of serine/threonine protein kinases on Arabidopsis thaliana root morphology and microtubule organization in its cells
  203. Functional role of nitric oxide in plants
  204. UV-B overexposure induces programmed cell death in a BY-2 tobacco cell line
  205. Exposure of beta-tubulin regions defined by antibodies on an Arabidopsis thaliana microtubule protofilament model and in the cells
  206. Bioinformatic search of plant microtubule-and cell cycle related serine-threonine protein kinases
  207. Bioinformatics search for plant homologues of Ste20-like serine/threonine protein kinases
  208. Screening of new 2,4- and 2,6-dinitroaniline derivates for phytotoxicity and antimitotic activity
  209. Molecular and structural-biological analysis of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia mutants for identification of the site on their β-tubulins of interaction with dinitroanilines and phosphorothioamides
  210. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of flax with a mutant tubulin gene responsible for resistance to dinitroaniline herbicides
  211. Structural and biological characterization of the tubulin interaction with dinitroanilines
  212. Estimation of the callus formation and regeneration efficiency in spring varieties of barley zoned in Ukraine
  213. Bioinformatic search of plant protein kinases involved in the phosphorylation of microtubular proteins and the regulation of the cell cycle
  214. Microtubule reorganization as a response to implementation of NO signals in plant cells
  215. The effect of okadaic acid on Arabidopsis thaliana root morphology and microtubule organization in its cells
  216. Agrobacterium-Mediated Maize Transformation: Immature Embryos Versus Callus
  217. Biolistic transformation of soybean using a new selectable marker gene conferring resistance to dinitroanilines
  218. Tyrosine phosphorylation of plant tubulin
  219. Effects of tyrosine kinase and phosphatase inhibitors on microtubules in Arabidopsis root cells
  220. Effects of the herbicide isopropyl-N-phenyl carbamate on microtubules and MTOCs in lines of Nicotiana sylvestris resistant and sensitive to its action
  221. Differential expression of two winter wheat alpha-tubulin genes during cold acclimation
  222. Development of transformation vectors based upon a modified plant α-tubulin gene as the selectable marker
  223. Cloning and expression of the tubulin genes in barley
  224. Scientific Knowledge as a Tool to Change the Altitude of Public Perception of GMO
  225. Distinct tubulin genes are differentially expressed during barley grain development
  226. Maintenance of Genetic Structure in Progenies of Marginal Mountainous and Steppe Populations of Three Species of Pinaceae Lindl. Family in Ukraine
  227. Somaclonal variability as a source for creation of new varieties of finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.)
  228. Mutant genes of plant tubulins as selective marker genes for genetic engineering
  229. Erratum
  230. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of seedling-derived maize callus
  231. Multiple gene co-integration in Arabidopsis thaliana predominantly occurs in the same genetic locus after simultaneous in planta transformation with distinct Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains
  232. The rolB gene promotes rooting in vitro and increases fresh root weight in vivo of transformed apple scion cultivar ?Florina?
  233. Application of GFP technique for cytoskeleton visualization onboard the International Space Station
  234. Genetic variation and differentiation of Abies alba Mill. populations from Ukrainian Carpathians
  235. Wound-inducible promoter from poplar is responsive to fungal infection in transgenic potato
  236. Efficient callus formation and plant regeneration of goosegrass [Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.]
  237. The effect of dinitroaniline and phosphorothioamidate herbicides on polyploidisation in vitro of Nepeta plants
  238. Structural modeling of the interaction of plant α-tubulin with dinitroaniline and phosphoroamidate herbicides
  239. Specific recognition of centrosomal antigen(s) in plant cells by the new polyclonal antibody pol3D2
  240. Obtaining and analysis of isopropyl-N-phenyl carbamate resistant lines of Nicotiana species
  241. Heavy metals have a different action from aluminium in disrupting microtubules in Allium cepa meristematic cells
  242. Cold adaptation of plant microtubules: structural interpretation of primary sequence changes in a highly conserved region of α-tubulin
  243. Genetic transformation of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis ) by direct DNA uptake into mesophyll protoplasts
  244. Сравнительный анализ вторичной структуры тубулинов и FtsZ-белков
  245. Potato cytoplasm reconstruction by chloroplast transfer from a wild Solanum species and regeneration of cybrid plants
  246. Transfer of amiprophosmethyl resistance from a Nicotiana plumbaginifolia mutant by somatic hybridisation
  247. The phytohormone-mediated action of the synthetic regulators on cell extension growth in higher plants
  248. Stable chloroplast transformation in potato: use of green fluorescent protein as a plastid marker
  249. An unusual minor protein appearing in embryonic axis cells of haricot bean seeds following germination process stimulated by 6-methylthiouracil
  250. Alteration of β-tubulin in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia confers resistance to amiprophos-methyl
  251. Screening and peculiarity of the biological action of synthetic plant growth regulators
  252. Post-translational modifications and multiple tubulin isoforms in Nicotiana tabacum L. cells
  253. Proliferative activity of callus cultures of Taxus baccata L. in relation to anticancer diterpenoid taxol biosynthesis
  254. Rational Molecular Design and Genetic Engineering of Herbicide Resistant Crops by Structure Modeling and Site-directed Mutagenesis of Acetohydroxyacid Synthase
  255. A new protoplast culture system in Daucus carota L. and its applications for mutant selection and transformation
  256. Clinostation influence on regeneration of cell wall in Solanum Tuberosum L. protoplasts
  257. Cybrid production based on mutagenic innactivation of protoplasts and rescuing of mutant plastids in fusion products: Potato with a plastome fromS. bulbocastanum andS. pinnatisectum
  258. Highly asymmetric intergeneric nuclear hybrids between Nicotiana and Petunia: evidence for recombinogenic and translocation events in somatic hybrid plants after “gamma”-fusion
  259. Intrageneric asymmetric hybrids between Nicotiana plumbaginifolia and Nicotiana sylvestris obtained by ‘gamma-fusion’
  260. Intergeneric asymmetric hybrids between Nicotiana plumbaginifolia and Atropa belladonna obtained by ?gamma-fusion?
  261. Somatic hybridization in potato: use of ?-irradiated protoplasts of Solanum pinnatisectum in genetic reconstruction
  262. Complementation analysis by somatic hybridisation and genetic crosses of nitrate reductase-deficient mutants of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia
  263. Complementation in somatic hybrids indicates four types of nitrate reductase deficient lines in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia
  264. Fusion-complementation analysis of auxotrophic and chlorophyll-deficient lines isolated in haploidNicotiana plumbaginifolia protoplast cultures
  265. Isoleucine-requiring Nicotiana plant deficient in threonine deaminase
  266. Chloroplast transfer in Nicotiana based on metabolic complementation between irradiated and iodoacetate treated protoplasts
  267. Antimitotic Drugs For Microprotoplast-Mediated Chromosome Transfer In Plant Genomics, Cell Engineering And Breeding
  268. Bioinformatic Search For Plant Homologues Of Animal Structural Maps In The Arabidopsis Thaliana Genome
  269. Modified Tubulin Genes as Selectable Markers for Plant Transformation
  270. Plant Tubulin Phosphorylation And Its Role In Cell Cycle Progression
  271. Spatial Distribution Of Tubulin Mutations Conferring Resistance To Antimicrotubular Compounds