All Stories

  1. On the Inference of Original Graph Information from Graph Embeddings
  2. Using Reinforcement Learning to Escape Automatic Filter-based Adversarial Example Defense
  3. Adversarial Learning-Based Data Augmentation for Palm-Vein Identification
  4. SNNAuth: Sensor-Based Continuous Authentication on Smartphones Using Spiking Neural Networks
  5. Memory-Augmented Autoencoder Based Continuous Authentication on Smartphones With Conditional Transformer GANs
  6. An Approximation Algorithm for Joint Data Uploading and Task Offloading in IoV
  7. AG-NAS: An Attention GRU-Based Neural Architecture Search for Finger-Vein Recognition
  8. Attention Label Learning to Enhance Interactive Vein Transformer for Palm-Vein Recognition
  9. Unsupervised Sensor-Based Continuous Authentication With Low-Rank Transformer Using Learning-to-Rank Algorithms
  10. Adaptive Deep Feature Fusion for Continuous Authentication With Data Augmentation
  11. SearchAuth: Neural Architecture Search-based Continuous Authentication Using Auto Augmentation Search
  12. Local Attention Transformer-Based Full-View Finger-Vein Identification
  13. TS-GAN: Time Series GAN for Sensor-based Health Data Augmentation
  14. A Memetic Algorithm for Cooperative Complex Task Offloading in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks
  15. Label Enhancement-Based Multiscale Transformer for Palm-Vein Recognition
  16. Privacy-Preserving Decentralized Dual Averaging for Online Optimization Over Directed Networks
  17. Transformer Based Defense GAN Against Palm-Vein Adversarial Attacks
  18. DeFFusion: CNN-based Continuous Authentication Using Deep Feature Fusion
  19. CNN-Based Continuous Authentication on Smartphones With Conditional Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network
  20. Discovering spatiotemporal characteristics of passenger travel with mobile trajectory big data
  21. IM-LDP: Incentive Mechanism for Mobile Crowd-Sensing Based on Local Differential Privacy
  22. Multi-Scale and Multi-Direction GAN for CNN-Based Single Palm-Vein Identification
  23. A Real-Time Data Collection Mechanism With Trajectory Privacy in Mobile Crowd-Sensing
  24. SCANet
  25. MEG: Memory and Energy Efficient Garbled Circuit Evaluation on Smartphones
  26. Using Data Augmentation in Continuous Authentication on Smartphones
  27. Cryptographic and parallel hash function based on cross coupled map lattices suitable for multimedia communication security
  28. A MapReduce-Based Parallel Frequent Pattern Growth Algorithm for Spatiotemporal Association Analysis of Mobile Trajectory Big Data
  29. Sensor-Based Continuous Authentication Using Cost-Effective Kernel Ridge Regression
  30. Energy optimization for mobile video streaming via an aggregate model
  31. A fast and efficient hash function based on generalized chaotic mapping with variable parameters
  32. Determining driver phone use leveraging smartphone sensors
  33. An Efficient MapReduce-Based Parallel Clustering Algorithm for Distributed Traffic Subarea Division